As previously stated, I'm very busy with multitask - something that's unlikely to change and will only be getting worse - but I'm gonna try and have a draft character sheet ready in the next day or so (it'd be done in the next few hours if I wasn't completely screwed up in terms of sleep pattern). I've got a character in my main story project who uses a variety of Chinese martial arts - especially Bajiquan - but I think translating their [i]other[/i] powers over into this setting could be a bit too complicated (despite you wanting interesting concepts - as mentioned in the opening post - which I certainly always bring), so I'm gonna go with something else -- something admittedly less based around martial arts but still appropriate for a fighting game. I would've been open to discussion about the other guy, but bringing over characters from my main story project tends to be way too much trouble due to the complexity of its lore and how powerful the cast is, so even though some of them use martial arts it's not appropriate to play them here. Not that my project doesn't have a tonne of drama or anything - since it does - but just that the overall power level of the entire cast is off the scale compared to most settings, so I'd work with something more downplayed for this. Anyway, I'm probably gonna wait 'til you've got the OOC up before posting this, though - given that I don't know if I'm participating yet - I might just do it here depending on when you get that up.