[hider=Lord of the Bush] [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/SnSpaO4.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [h3][b]Age[/b][/h3] [indent]Unknown[/indent] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]The Lord of the Bush completely lacks any hair visible on his body save for on his upper lip, a comb-styled mustache which he wears with pride, ready to strike at anything which threatens its existence. His body is muscular. His legs are sturdy like an elephant's but swift like a gazelle's. His arms are powerful like a gorilla's but his hands are dexterous as that of a man. Typically, he is completely naked, apparently finding clothes or anything covering his body to be uncomfortable. For the comfort of others, however, he dons a convenient loin cloth. He exudes a heavy aura which weighs down on others and possesses a gaze which could pacify with fear the fiercest beasts on the plains of Africa, for in all of Africa, there is no beast more fierce than he who is known as the Lord of the Bush.[/indent] [h3][b]Nationality[/b][/h3] [indent]Parts Unknown (South Africa)[/indent] [h3][b]Personality Traits[/b][/h3] [indent]■ Enigmatic ■ Spontaneous ■ Decisive ■ Heavy-handed ■ Curious ■ Observant ■ Speaks normally in grunts with brief flashes of English diatribe when provoked though even then, his words tend to be cryptic if not downright nonsensical.[/indent] [h3][b]Backstory/Motivations[/b][/h3] [indent]Due to a lack of speech on his part and a lack of official documents otherwise, it is uncertain who exactly the Lord of the Bush is. The Lord of the Bush was found by biologists in the Kalihari Desert in South Africa near the border to Namibia among the bodies of dead hyenas, the neck of a hyena held in hand, lower body severed from the top half, innards spilling on the ground. He was combative towards these men and it took 10 elephant tranquilizers along with two shots with a .22 pistol to his legs to fully incapacitate him, after he had left three wounded and one dead. He was kept in a cage designed to keep wild animals, reinforced so that he could not break out. DNA testing revealed his closest living relatives as living in Tennessee in the United States. After attempting to contacting them, the family had no idea who this person was. Several attempts of trying to communicate with him were met only with violence. It was only during a single moment when the scientists were looking at his documents, when he suddenly began talking. Then, he finally referred to himself as the "Lord of the Bush". After the family who had claimed they did not know him though shared his genes, they referred to him simply as "Bacher". After much investigation, files dating back to the 19th century lead to a Dutch man named Erick Bacher. Black and white photographs depicted a man with similar facial structure but a much more slender body. He apparently also had a brother whose grandchildren later moved to America. It is under speculation whether it is the same man or perhaps a child of his. If it were the former, however, it would put him at over a hundred years old. When shown pictures of his "grandfather", the Lord of the Bush does not have much if any reaction towards them. However, when given a mirror, he shows through body language and sometimes incoherent mutterings that he does indeed possess a semblance of self-awareness. For several months, scientists had studied the mysterious feral man. Though his cage seemed to restrain him, it seemed it was only because he had then the patience to be kept confined in such a way. Tired of being stuck, however, he revealed another level of his strength and broke out of the cage, tearing through the metal metal bars and fighting through several armed men. In the process, he broke out several animals which the facility he was held in had also been studying. They seemed to obey his orders, whatever they were. He and the animals escaped our the lab which in their wake was left in ruins. When he had stepped outside, getting his first breath of fresh air in months, he saw the outside world far different than what he had been acclimated to. He was in a city. There were lights and cars and smog. Alone, the Lord of the Bush left a path of destruction with many dead including all the personnel of the lab. He destroyed several police and military vehicles, including a tank and three helicopters. When he finally calmed down, he was captured opportunistically. While being transported to his next facility, he had begun learning his predicament. Before he could arrive at his new holding area, the Lord of the Bush broke free from the helicopter he had been transported in and fell several miles to the ground. Miraculously, he survived. Filled with new purpose by the shining lights of the modern world, the Lord of the Bush sought to travel the world looking for new wonders.[/indent] [h3][b]Fighting-Style[/b][/h3] [indent]Though it is clear that the Lord of the Bush had received no formal training in any martial art, when analyzing his fighting style closely, it very much resembles Hung Gar, a branch of Southern Shaolin Kung Fu. Most notably, he takes a low stance characteristic of the style and utilizes tiger-claw strikes. His fighting is like that of a tiger. Before striking, he will wait for the right moment before pouncing. When he does, he uses quick, versatile, and violent strikes toward vital areas of a target's body, normally the neck or the groin. He has no qualms with scratching, clawing, gouging, or biting. As far as weapons go, he will often utilize the bodies of fallen enemies as bludgeons to take on other enemies. Other times, he may even rip off the arm of an opponent or throw splashes of their own or even his own blood into their eye. In spite of the violent, dirty nature of his fighting style, it is in fact quite controlled, relying on the calm collectedness of the user and the steady manipulation and monitoring of his own ki.[/indent] [h3][b]Special Attacks/Techniques[/b][/h3] [indent]■ Rain Down in Africa [indent]The Lord of the Bush is inherently connected to the land of Africa, and thus the nature of Africa is ingrained in his very energy and he may call for aid from any and all of her many children. By focusing his ki, the user can summon an animal from the bush to strike his opponent for a brief second and/or explode violently.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Prideful Lion Fist [indent]In this technique, no energy is expelled. However, ki enhances the strength of the user's blows as he strikes rapidly and vigorously. Due to the nature of the ki of the Lord of the Bush, his aura takes on the form of a roaring lion.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Drum Beats Driving the Blood Thirsty Predator [indent]While in the state of complete calm, the user may in a sense synch his ki with that of his opponents. Then, the user will engage in synchronized dance with the targets of the ability, compelling those around him to dance along. The target or targets will dance for sixteen measures divided in a 4/4 rhythm at 60 beats per second, or as long as the Lord of the Bush maintains the rhythm, whichever comes first. In order for this technique to work, the energy output of all targets and the user must be close enough to at least be comparable. If the dance is interrupted, the technique stops working.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ The Lion Chases its Prey [indent]For a brief moment, by the increased expenditure of ki, the user can move quickly from one location to another. In the scale of a small area such as a wrestling ring, it may appear that the user is moving instantly from one area to the next around his opponent. Rather, he is simply moving quickly as anyone else would, only faster than the eye can readily detect.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Fist of the Roaring Demon Gods [indent]The user's ki is multiplied exponentially for a very brief period of time. During this moment, his strength, speed, and even senses are improved. It is a flat, but dramatic increase in power that is also taxing on the user's body. If used too long or too many times in quick succession, the user will suffer physical, mental, and even spiritual damage as their entire self breaks down in order to maintain the power of the technique. Due to these limitations, this technique is used very sparingly.[/indent][/indent] [h3][b]Super Moves[/b][/h3] [indent]■ Sacred Land in Which All Are Welcome but None May Tread [indent]By focusing his energy on specific points on a battle field in the shape of the continent of Africa and then charging his energy, the user is capable of, in a singly brief moment, create a powerful burst of energy shaped like the continent of Africa on the battlefield, destroying anything caught within the boundry.[/indent][/indent] [indent]■ Hearts and Hands Joined Together to Vanquish Great Evil [indent]In time of peril, the Lord of the Bush may raise his hands and call for help to his brothers, sisters, and motherland. He gathers above him the life energy of Africa itself, rather than simply the spirit of Africa which he had internalized. The end result is a swirling mass of ki and animal life floating above him, which he may throw as a final finishing move.[/indent][/indent] [h3][b]Weaknesses[/b][/h3] [indent]While the Lord of the Bush is strong and fast, it comes in short bursts. His stamina is rather low, and thus he can sprint long distance in a short time like a lion to catch prey but is incapable of lasting long normally, leading him to resort to either trapping his target or using other such tactics to keep his opponent from outpacing or escaping from him. He has in his arsenal a plethora of strong techniques, however every single one requires an immense amount of ki control, sense of timing, and consideration of the situation.[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [h3][b]Theme[/b][/h3] [indent][youtube]https://youtu.be/DSDf9skDr6o[/youtube][/indent] [/hider]