[@Gohan] I see where you're coming from -- basically, there's no need for me to reveal how I messed with the summoning until it becomes a plot point, since it keeps things mysterious. Technically speaking, the storyline should be from the perspective of the heroes anyway and not the villains, so it makes sense for me to be enigmatic with The Emperor until it's relevant. Marche probably works as the best [i]eyes[/i] for the reader to the villain's side, since he's not a legit villain. Let me know if you want any of the specifics for what The Emperor did, and I'll tell you over the OOC -- otherwise I'm going to assume you want to be surprised like everyone else will be. Like I said, this isn't the only instance of him 'sabotaging' this particular cycle; in fact, his [i]presence[/i] here is an example of it. I'm actually thinking the fact that new characters - both alternate incarnations and those who haven't been part of the cycles before - being here is a result of what he's doing as well. Without spoiling anything, I'll just say he had some foreknowledge about the cycles existing [i]before[/i] he arrived. Also, should I just assume you don't see any issues with my character sheets?