[@Gohan] I'm going to respond to your questions about the characters I plan to bring over first, posting it afterwards so you have something immediately to respond to. I'll give my thoughts about our parties afterwards and edit it in, or put it in my next response if you reply to me first. Depending on the limit (if one exists) to how many characters you want involved in this altogether, I could probably see myself introducing several more. It really wouldn't work as a Dissidia cycle if there was only three or four members on each side. Without spoiling any of the how or why, one of the ideas I've had in my head for how The Emperor messed with this cycle involves the idea that not all of the warriors were summoned immediately, and more can progressively come to increase the numbers or replace those who're wiped out. I guess give me your thoughts on this, since I've got no idea if you had a cap in mind. Cecil and Golbez are my most likely next candidates to bring over. While we don't [i]have[/i] to do it, I feel like it's always a good idea to counterbalance a hero from one of the games with at least one villain, or vice versa. I like Golbez, so he works as a counterbalance to Kain, but I've also been planning to bring over Cecil. Since the villains are more powerful anyway it probably doesn't matter if they're outnumbered, especially given some of them can create mooks and they're more likely to have summons right off the bat. Auron is mostly a result of me thinking it would be a good idea to have a more 'veteran' hero character to counterbalance a lot of the younger ones -- that, and he's a badass that I want to play. I've considered Jecht - as mentioned in the other thread - mostly to counterbalance either Auron or Tidus (if [@Raddum] used him, but there's no obligation there since I want Auron), since I can already play 'Anti-Villain' with Golbez. It all depends on whether or not I can think of something interesting to do with Jecht like I've done with each character so far. The same applies to Exdeath, except in his case his presence here will actually move part of The Emperor's plotline forward easier. I didn't want him just to be a plot device though. Since Raddum mentioned going with Galuf possibly, it was the perfect opening. Really, just assume that there's several characters from various games that I've got an interest in playing, but I'll always wait - like I did with the first three - until I get a really good idea for what I could do with them in the plot before I commit to posting up the character sheet. Once the idea is in my mind, you'll probably see said sheet within a day or so. Edit: Also, we both completely forgot that I'm considering Warrior of Light and Garland, though - given the corrupted nature of this cycle - don't be surprised if they're a bit different/interesting too.