[@DriveEMOut] Old hag?! Why, how dare he insult her so tactlessly! Claudia had half a mind to back hand the surly bastard, when suddenly...she could sense it. Darkness, gradually it began to engulf the corridor, as though a living creature, ravenous its appetite was as light was devoured and only shadows remained. Claudia realized they were in danger, but did she honestly need a weapon? [color=ed145b]~"Stand back, boy."~[/color] She said, her tone graven as she slipped off her robe, revealing upon her back the ancient sigil of Egyptian hieroglyphics. Suddenly, her eyes shifted from those of a human to something more...feral and feline. She groaned in pain falling on all fours, her hands and feet shaping into...what appeared to be paws, all while a black fur engulfed her nude figure. When it was all over, there stood before Jack no longer a beautiful woman...but a lithe female panther.