Escobert showed the way to the adventurers, taking multiple turns to avoid the biggest masses of people while seemingly knowing exactly where he was going. Not once did the dwarf stop to think what turn to take, but instead kept moving on and muttering to themselves in dwarvish about what turn would be coming next and after that and so forth. Had they not been a dwarf, his pace might have caused the team to be left behind, but given his shorter legs the adventurers could keep up. In the end, they reached a door that was being guarded by five or so guards. One of the people in the back turned to salute towards the approaching group and gave them a quick briefing: "Castellan, sir! The attackers have been contained as of now, but we haven't had the chance to deal with the few who stand guard in the next room. They haven't had reinforcements yet, but I believe that any moment we delay will make the chances of backup greater." Having received this information, Escobert nodded and turned to face the adventurers. "[color=red]Well then, the entryway room is some 10 by 20 feet box of a room, but you might be able to use it to your advantage... Guess your job is to see whether you can seal the breached port again and try to drive the enemy out, one way or the other. I'll have the guards stay on this door so that none more slip in... But it's in your hands now[/color]", the dwarf shared his thoughts.