[center][img]http://img.cinemablend.com/cb/e/7/0/c/e/6/e70ce6cc54793c53a306ed247b8f01e01ddb0f32933d4dbb2c04fe02740d2324.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][color=brown] Krystan Mc'neil [/color][/center][/h1] Krystan had came in through the door that let her come to the cafeteria Raphael coming in with her tail wagging and panting. She had just finished running around with Raphael and training him on how to kill walkers. "[color=brown]You hungry Raph?[/color]" The woman says with a laugh when the dog basically pushed her towards the kitchen."[color=brown]Alright c'mon. Let's see if they have some dog treats.[/color]" She says walking over to the kitchen to see the new guy standing there getting something to eat. "[color=brown]Hey..Conroy right?[/color]" Krystan asks coming into the kitchen. Raphael pads ahead of her sniffing the mans legs before being called back by Krystan."[color=brown]Raph, leave him alone.[/color]" The dog lets out a groan and pads over to her. [@King Tai]