[@WeepingHollows] [color=ed145b][i]~Hahaha! I knew you would show yourself, beast!~[/i][/color] Claudia laughed with delight on the inside now that the lycan had shifted towards his animal form. Her tail, like a whip it lashed back and forth, her ears pinned back, her powerful maw open in a hiss to display her own set of sharp, vicious teeth. Her claws dug into the marble floor, the hairs on her back standing erect. Slowly, Claudia stalked forward, eyes locked with her kill. [color=ed145b][i]~And now...you're all mine!~[/i][/color] Suddenly she pounced on the male wolf with a deafening screech, her sharp claws, like razor blades tearing into his hide. She clawed him and bit at him, not once giving quarter to the wolf.