I've finished up my character! I was thinking "spider-clown" would be a creative gimmick to play, like Faust mixed with Pennywise. [hider=Subject SN13 "Agrippa"] [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RIDhiZF.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [h3][b]Age: 2[/b][/h3] [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [indent]Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color], codenamed "Agrippa", is an enormous floating humanoid torso with eighteen limbs. As a safety precaution to discourage successful escape attempts, he has been fitted with a heavily-modified, high-visibility striped jumpsuit designed to make it difficult to [i]not[/i] see him. His face is naturally colored greasepaint-white, with shaggy hair, a functional bulbous nose, and a cybernetic "third eye" used as a monitor for energy level, fatigue, and emotional state. [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] is, as a matter of fact, partially hollow, with most of the space in the lower end of its body being taken up by an extremely advanced nanotechnological matter replicator. This replicator is masked by a white, woolly "cloud" that at the same time protects it and holds in the white-hot radiation constantly emitting from it. Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color]'s palms and forearms are coated in a layer of thick, sticky hairs almost invisible to the naked eye, giving it the ability to grasp walls and other objects with relative ease.[/indent] [h3][b]Nationality[/b][/h3] [indent]Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] was constructed in a refurbished oil rig just off the coast of Costa Rica. This technically makes him Caribbean.[/indent] [h3][b]Personality Traits[/b][/h3] [indent]■ Active ■ Curious ■ Mischievous ■ Skittish ■ Creative ■ Spiteful[/indent] [hider=Backstory/Motivations] [indent]Deep in the heart of Central America's figurative corporate jungle, one industrial giant stood above all: Ultek Consumer Products Ltd. Through a variety of savvy business decisions and the creatively-applied use of a camera and two hundred kilograms of stolen Columbian cocaine, Ultek had secured ownership over several thousand acres of property in the Caribbean Sea. This deal included exclusive control of several failed oil rigs that had been established in the late 1950's. These oil rigs were restaffed, resupplied, and refurbished as secure, pre-quarantined research stations for some of Ultek's most dangerous and illegal experiments. Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] was the designated project of Site 13, an experiment in artificially-grown servitors built to protect, entertain, or track people of particular interest to Ultek. While [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] was still growing in their "womb", a slight lapse in lab safety protocols resulted in a catastrophic disease contaminating their neonatal bath, causing drastic amounts of brain damage to the poor infant. Thanks to the hasty application of an experimental mutagen derived from the Brazilian Wandering Spider, Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] was saved from disaster. Following this miraculous recovery, Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] was given the name "Agrippa", after the famous alchemist. When the day of [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color]'s coming to term arrived, the scientists in charge of Site 13 arranged a "birthday" party to be held. As [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] emerged from its womb, the very first thing it did was make a break for the doors. Even as it grew in its womb, blind and unfeeling, it hungered for freedom, and now it was able to take it. Thanks to its genetically-modified anatomy, the strange effects of the mysterious serum it had been given, and the thick layer of slippery pseudoplacenta coating it, [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] broke containment and made it to open waters with ease. The newly-freed Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color], with nothing but the instincts seared into its brain and a burning need to explore the new world around, swam on in search of a purpose.[/indent] [/hider] [h3][b]Fighting-Style[/b][/h3] [indent]Subject [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] has been genetically modified to be as horrendously difficult to attack as possible. His eighteen limbs serve as an excellent all-round offense and defense tool, giving him an unbeatable range advantage in melee and superior mobility at range. [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] uses a wide variety of humorous objects and practical gags to harass opponents and keep himself safe.[/indent] [hider=Moveset] [h3][b]Special Attacks/Techniques[/b][/h3] [indent]■ [color=palevioletred][b]Hundred-and-Eight-Hand Slap[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] flails wildly, flinging its hands everywhere it can reach. Though not particularly threatening, [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] has quick enough reflexes to grab and yank anything he can get his hands on. [/indent] ■ [color=palevioletred][b]Hang 'em High[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] strikes low, aiming to grab its opponent by the ankles and heave them up into the air. [/indent] ■ [color=palevioletred][b]Smokescreen[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] rapidly slides its arms along the ground, kicking up a cloud of dirt and dust.[/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]Backburner[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] directs its radioactive nether-region straight into its opponent's flesh, searing them.[/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]Honk![/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] pulls a mysterious bicycle horn out of its nether-regions, and blows it right in its opponent's face. Despite its appearance, the horn is loud enough to cause disorientation, deafness, and splitting headaches at close range. [/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]Slippery Slope[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] pulls one to five banana peels from its nether-regions, and throws them at the opponent's feet. The peels are coated in a horribly slippery fluid, making this move a surprisingly effective counter to a charge.[/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]Pin Down[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] pulls one to two juggling pins from its nether-regions, and either throws them at their opponent or uses them as crude clubs. The pins are extremely fragile, and break after one use. [/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]Pie in the Eye[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] pulls a whipped cream pie from its nether-regions, and throws it at their opponent, intending to blind them. The tin the pie comes in is also quite sharp. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b]Super Moves[/b][/h3] [indent]■ [color=palevioletred][b]Crawling Chaos[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] gets down on all eighteens and charges forward, trampling its opponent under a veritable stampede of crushing blows. [/indent] ■ [color=palevioletred][b]Twister[/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] grabs its opponent with all eighteen arms and pulls them into a crushing embrace, squeezing, strangling, gouging, yanking, and twisting at anything it can grab. [/indent] ■ [color=magenta][b]HONK![/b][/color] [indent] [color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] grabs [i]eighteen[/i] bike horns from its nether-regions and honks them all at once. The effect is deafening, devastating, and annoying all at once, causing seizures and extreme pain even against opponents wearing ear protection. [/indent][/indent] [/hider] [h3][b]Weaknesses[/b][/h3] [indent][color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] is hopelessly fragile, relying heavily on his mobility to avoid being defeated. In addition, it is actually surprisingly bad at actually fighting, preferring to harass its opponent from a position of safety. It has no martial arts skills whatsoever, and instead abuses its eighteen limbs and endless supply of tricks to gain the upper hand against its enemies.[/indent] [h3][b]Other[/b][/h3] [indent][color=dodgerblue][b]SN13[/b][/color] can also take rubber balloons, strings of handkerchiefs, plastic flowers, and other party favors from its nether-regions. None of these have any effective use in combat.[/indent] [h3][b]Theme[/b][/h3] [indent] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETZwNXk9DeM[/youtube][/indent] [/hider]