[color=ed1c24]"WHAT?..."[/color] a man of shadowed skin [@Drai] brandishing sword and shield had entered the chaos of the tavern and was now threatening Knutik to release the child in his grasp. The mans eyes glowed with the determination of the sun despite the residue of darkness he seemed to carry with him. The shade could feel the energy this man wielded, darkness, yet oddly enough light as well. Knutik gave this armoured figure his full attention, turning from the freckled woman [@Redcovey] to bare his teeth with animosity. He [i]could[/i] calmly explain as to why he was supposedly 'threatening' this child... but he's far from being civil at this point, plus this new individual intrigued him. Still holding the poor little girl [@Dark Light] being carried around like a rag-doll, he spoke quietly yet darkly in an attempt at intimidation. [color=ed1c24]"You'll have to pry her from my claws."[/color] time to see if this man was as brave as he looked.