[center][img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/22e4/th/pre/f/2015/339/4/5/fallout_4___enclave_by_s1l3nts-d9j311k.png[/img][/center] [b]Name: [/b]Carmen Durant [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Looks: [/b] [url=http://pre05.deviantart.net/af30/th/pre/f/2014/059/b/4/the_rydering_by_vanheist-d78cgi3.png](And now, for something completely different.) [/url] There is a reason why the elders used to call Carmen 'Miss Horrigan', though she never really did get the reference. While at first glance the brown skinned woman is a 6ft4 monster of a woman capable of snapping the neck of a man between her biceps, those who know her would shrivel with fear at the thought of Carmen actually focusing entirely on her muscle mass as indeed, the sole thing that keeps her distinctively female it seems is her habit of not counting calories in the slightest, her love for meat allowing her to maintain the curves giving her that bit of femininity she has. Otherwise, while she can cleanup rather nicely due to her Enclave education, it doesn't mean she likes to do so and is often seen with unkept hairs and nails more akin to claws than anything. [b]Personality:[/b] There is more to this woman than a one dimensional knuckle head as while she indeed is one to take what she wants and seek a fight when she can, it is justified to her from a social Darwinist stand point. She is visibly much better equipped than others around her to win by a fight so why should she seek to do things any other way, giving an advantage to those against her? Because that's how it is, competition, the struggle of life and the survival of the fittest. But still, no man or woman is an island and she realizes that she must sometimes sleep, even the walking apocalypse needs to rest once in a while! And thus comes her liking of honor and trust, the extreme value she places on both of these as she highly suspects that it is as likely that she'll die biting more than she could chew or alternatively, betrayed, killed in her sleep or by poison. Thus she has only one word and considers this the most worthy insurance possible as if she lives by it, maybe others will have the decency to do the same. [b]Faction:[/b] Group Epsilon (Neutral) [b]S.P.E.C.I.A.L[/b] Strength: 10 Perception: 9 Endurance: 10 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 6 Agility: 3 Luck: 2 [b]Backstory:[/b] In the history books of the NCR, the defeat of the enclave was sudden, brutal and total. Wiped out in a day almost, the Californians then sweeping the remnants away. The truth is far from this however. Already some are aware of the long exodus eastward that took place but even this is romantic. Some were quite simply left behind, without orders or transportation. A lot decided to go undercover but the Epsilon Forward Outpost found the idea to try and hide among a bunch of impure dirt farmers while they sat on a trove of prewar tech to be something to scoff at. All of this however didn't help their crippling lack of manpower however and it was certain that they would be crushed under the sheer size of the NCR, sooner or later. And so, they marched Eastward. Not to reach the coast like the others however, no, just to find somewhere secluded, using the old maps to reach a chain of bunkers to leach from. It wasn't long however until the matter of the natives became an issue. Some advocated genocide as was the enclave habit but there was realization that what they lacked in automation, production facilities and the likes, could be mitigated by using THEM as automatons. Slave labor. This lasted almost 40 years during which these soldiers had children and slowly grew complacent. Their technologies were godlike to the savages who toiled the land and this is what saw the birth of Carmen. A fighter born of a long line of soldiers. It was how she was raised, in the savage lands of the tribes in a complete Enclave fashion. She was better than these subhumans and slavery was showing them mercy, allowing them the protection and carefree life of subjugation. All of that combat training and deathclaw hunting experience however couldn't have prepared her for what was to come. The Epsilon Outpost had always looked toward the West, at the progress the NCR made. When the legion came, the surviving elders rolled their eyes and merely entered their power armor, ready to crush them mercilessly in a pitched battle. But it was they who were overwhelmed by numbers in a battle that could have been easily avoidable if they had only not so grossly underestimated their enemy. At home the slaves saw Caesar as a liberator and they rebelled against their overlords. Those that could fled, by foot or by vertibirds, away from the Legion. When the dust settled, only a few were left. Even if they should settle again, their genepool was so small they'd have died out but only more slowly. Some left to the east, hoping to reach the coast within their life time. Others decided to try and go underground in the NCR who was entering the Mojave. Carmen and a fistful of others however couldn't stomach that. They entered banditry, becoming raider kings in power armor for a short while. But now the chickens are coming home to roost. The BoS is sending expeditions after them to capture their tech, the NCR is well established in the Mojave so even rangers are showing up to pick them off one by one. The possible replacement to them would be the Legion of course, but as a woman and a 'civilized person', she'd rather die than try and somehow join them. She and her group desperately try to find a way to keep on surviving, somehow. [b]Weapon choice:[/b] -Power Fist -Plasma Caster [b]Perks (Add only three):[/b] +Sneering Imperialist +Unstoppable Force +Slayer [b]'Tagged' Skills[/b] +Unarmed +Energy Weapons +Repair +Science [b]'Weak' Skills[/b] -Sneak [b]Any other info not included in the above:[/b] So yeah, Group Epsilon. I'm thinking of having them become power armored muscle for either the Cabal or Mister House, with a preference for the later. Basically a group in desperate need of a powerful patron who could provide them for a way out to survive as Enclave remnants aren't too popular right now. ALSO: Call out for some legion peeps to maybe have beef with her and her group, an ex-slave maybe? That or a tribe that suffered at their hands, to get some fun hate and rivalry going.