Brannor kept stride with the hurried dwarf, the other man making every movement of his journey knowingly, leaving the rest to do little more than follow. The halfling woman did lead now and then, caught up to by the rest only as they were being led the way and on a path their guide knew well. It took not too long in all truth for them to arrive before an entourage of guardsmen before a barred door, that of which their weapons and gear was set too in defense. One issued his salute, speaking on how the enemy was trapped but only for the time being; the outlander, with a tightening of his knuckles upon the greatsword he bore then relaxed them in steady anticipation, allowing the others to converse. The dim candlelight of the keep's halls shrouded them all in flickering, shifting shadows, to which he hoped the enemy was not more concealed. He gave a nod, looking to the orc-blooded man beside him who seemed as eager as ever to charge into the fray and wreak havoc on the enemy's number. "We will do more than just drive them out." Brannor replied in turn to Escobert afterward, noting in tone his intent to leave none of the darkness' children standing. Shifting slightly in stance, feet readied and parted no more than the broadness of his shoulders, he prepared to draw up the weapon he carried and favored - its savage edges hungering once more. Over the shoulder did he give one last glance, seeing who else had joined the counterattack; for the moment, only man, halfling and half-blood were preparing their delve. It was about to be a very troubled, very bloodied effort if this were all they had. [@Phoenix][@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]