[@Gohan] My knowledge of Dissidia's lore is - as stated - slightly murky due to having not played the games directly, but with all the information I've spoiled through FFWiki and TVTropes it was an issue I couldn't help but bring up. If what you're suggesting is this doesn't happen [i]after[/i] the final cycle, then my suggestion is that we make this a branch of the Dissidia cycles. According to the lore, most of the characters (The Emperor included) were mostly mindless and plain warriors up until Duodecim's cycle, and this is already being contradicted with how we're writing people (not to mention it would be boring). With this in mind, having this plot be a universe that branched off from the rest of the cycles might work best, unless we're going with the idea that the heroes failed during the original Dissidia game's cycle. Since I don't know the specifics of how resets work though, what I'm suggesting might not even be needed. Nothing else to say regarding the groups, since it makes sense.