[quote=@The1Rolling1Boy] (I just jumped to creating a character sheet sorry... I just wanted to get this out of the way first) Name: Hikaru Age: 23 (ish) Gender:Male but looks female Appearance:Snow white skin, rugged shoulder length walnut colored hair, with dusty gray lifeless like eyes, he is tall and slender and very easy to find in a crowd Sin: Envy, mainly Enhanced Thievery Personality:He is a quiet shy type of person, the only words he will ever probably say is simple words if you're lucky he would say hello or bye, but once he opens up he is actually very kind and caring and would do anything for the person he cares about but preferes to keep quite and mind his own business Fears: Being abandoned and left for dead Biography: He grew up in a small town but moved around a lot because he lived with his mother. She was very depressed and moved around so much to run away from her fears or for works, mainly for work, though. After a while his mother was tired of running and just gave up, she put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger. This whole time Hikaru was outside playing in the snow. Since he doesn't really talk much to other people, instead he would listen to everything and anything, he tends to make a pretty good spy because of his quiet fox like nature. Hikaru was picked on in school because he chose not to talk, and even his family despises him because he doesn't talk. So most people thinks he is mute even though he isn't. So one day while he was walking home from school he found an old worn out the doll, he quickly picked it up and ran his apartment where he still lives today and fixed the broken arm, the cracks in its face and repainted it, he also sewed the small doll a dress. Ever since he got that doll he would sometimes talk to it telling it how his day was, he honestly thinks a doll is a real person so try to not call the doll "it" [/quote] I don't mean to be rude, but I'll have to reject this one. Based on your roleplaying patterns, you don't write it like a story and write it more like a chat RP, which, while ok sometimes, wouldn't be good in these forums. I apologize and hope that you can use your character in another RP. :D