Finch fluttered toward the colony city with a solid 50 emotions buzzing about his head. The only thing buzzing louder than his thoughts were his wings as they carried him at top speed through the forest in order to meet the champion of the city-dwellers. Finch didn't particularly want a partner, though he certainly understood that he would need one. Though he would never tell anyone, when the community came together and decided that he was their greatest warrior and should therefore be the one to take on this quest, the only thing he felt more that an arrogant pride was an overwhelming desire to piss his leafy pants. "Damn it, damn it, damn it!" the pixie spouted as he moved effortlessly past a low hanging tree branch. He wasn't [i]scared[/i]. After all, he fought stuff that was bigger than him all the time. They just usually weren't fire-wielding, world-destroying superbeings from literal Hell. No, he wasn't [i]scared[/i]. He was just...wary? Oh screw it, he was god damn terrified. Finch swallowed his self-realization and steeled his gut as he approached the edge of the forest. He was better than this, damn it. He'd defended a wood elf family from a duo of werewolves, for goodness sake! As his feet touched the ground and he began to step out of the forest's underbrush and walk toward the settlement, Finch was filled with resolve. His home had been scarred. His people frightened. His world put at risk. And it was his burden to bear now. "Damn it." Finch stepped out of the forest and began his walk to the city which was already within sight.