[quote=@MonkeyBusiness] [hider=Angel Kalani][center][img] http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/20b60c5c-9b37-4a0f-aa89-caf8d8db0e00.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Angel Kalani [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Angel is a relaxed person who enjoys just hanging around in the sun rather than deal with difficult matters. Even though she does not like difficult matters, she does like a challenge every once in a while mainly when it comes to pokemon. She likes pokemon a lot and has a real understanding of how they behave as she wants to become a researcher. She is a friendly person who is easy to get along with and likes being around other people. [b]Bonds:[/b] (Your character's most important relationships either between the other characters or their family) [center][img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e5/759Stufful.png/250px-759Stufful.png[/img][/center] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Stufful [b]Pokemon's Nature:[/b] Stufful is a devious pokemon who enjoys testing her strength out whenever she gets the chance. She knows that her appearence is adorable and uses that to get close to other pokemon so that she could try and pick a fight with them. Stufful is close with her trainer as Angel is the only person who she allows close to her without a show of force. [b]Pokemon's Move[/b] Flail, Hammer Arm, Force Palm, Bide[/hider] [/quote] Looks good so far! [quote=@Cerberus0807] lucky can i join this rp? also can i reserve new kid if i can join? [/quote] Sure, with the lack of activity I might add another role to the role tab so we can keep this thread more active~ And a sure to the reserve~