Marcus listened to the stories of his other two new squadmates. He had to say, he was impressed with both of them; Angelika's ingenuity and Meris' raw lethality because of her abhuman nature. He figured that if they came to trust each other more, they would be a very efficient unit. But only time would tell whether that would come to pass. In the meantime, he had to talk about his own experiences so that he wouldn't look bad in front of his new squad. [color=darkgoldenrod]"My greatest kill... Hmm... Well I'd have to say it was the time my boys and I ended up facing off against one of the Ork leaders. Called a 'Nob' I think. We were lucky, in that we caught the bugger isolated from the rest of the greenskins, and the ones who were with him were easily dispatched with our numbers. But this big nasty Nob just wouldn't back down. He came charging into the Flamer team swinging his weapon around and killed a few men. He turned his sights on us troops in the back, when Hardin told us to scatter so that we wouldn't get slaughtered all at once like the Flamers did. So we split off into 2-man units in different directions while peppering him with lasgun fire. Just as the Nob went to run after McCollins and Troike, I pulled out my Melta Bomb, ran closer to the Ork and screamed 'CATCH THIS!' and tossed it as hard as I could. The stupid bugger fell for it and actually turned towards me just as I was running back while firing my Lasgun. The bomb blew up right on his chestpiece and tore it apart along with his helmet while scorching his skin. Hardin then gave the order for us to focus our lasers on the exposed parts until we cooked him alive. That was probably the riskiest and most glorious kill I had the pleasure of participating in."[/color] Marcus narrated. It technically wasn't his "kill", but Marcus never had a situation where he faced an enemy on his own before. Though he did think that a lot more men would have died during that encounter had he not used his Melta bomb, and figured he could at least take credit for that. [@Dannyrulx] [@NecroKnight] [@agentmanatee]