Name: James Conrad Age: 32 Looks: [img] [/img] Personality: Cold and Calculated is what James believes himself to be, but if you spoke to anyone he knows they’d call him Passionate,Powerful and ambitious. These all describe James to most he may seem normal and friendly. James has no empathy for anyone he has one goal:Power. Using the most of the situation he’s in Faction: Enclave S.P.E.C.I.A.L= (45 Points spread wisely. Cannot go over 10 on any one stat) Strength: 2 Perception: 10 Endurance: 2 Charisma:10 Intelligence:10 Agility:1 Luck:10 Backstory: Born into the enclave base in Chicago, his parents served in the civilian branch. His mother in the science and engineering department creating new ways to purify the wasteland. His father a politician. James never really had a choice in his studies, he was expected to do well and he did however he was often picked on by those who came from a military family.Though he could never compete with them in physical activities he used his intellect to have them fight each other. Whenever someone was smart enough not to fall for it James somehow got lucky either the man would miss or hit someone near them. James never felt fear, or anything. As James grew up he became a passionate leader starting from a low level politician many people he knew liked him yet he cared for no one. He had always felt off but he could never confirm it until his parents were murdered by Brotherhood Terrorists. When they had died and people gather for a funeral many cried and came to offer solace to James yet he didn’t need it. He had used his parents to rise and now that they were gone he had little and had to move on for himself. Eventually as time went on, the struggle for the enclave grew, with the brotherhood growing stronger and the enclave refusing to change people began to look for new leadership. A man by the name of Alan Anderson a very trusted military command had begun to form a small cult following mostly of brutes. While James believed the enclave needed to adapt if not for it’s own benefits then for his. James soon got in contact with alan and had agreed to work with him to change the enclave. Soon a bond formed James gave speeches rallied many to alan cause. In return Alan protected James and offered him a spot for when he took command. Not long after though the Brotherhood Terrorists attacked in full force the enclave unprepared and weakened fell. Alan lead his followers west, while the brutes may not have liked James for his weakness and the need for help to continue they respected alan and he saw James as useful and kept him close but now in the west they begin to plan their next move. Weapon choice: Using other people, should that not be an option has a 9mm pistol Perks (Add only three): Computer Whiz Educated Cult of Personality 'Tagged' Skills (the skills you are strongest in; add only three unless you add a 'Weak Skill', see below): Speech Science Barter 'Weak' Skills (the skills you are weakest in, add only if you want more 'Tagged' Skills): None Any other info not included in the above: Post the CS in OOC and once accepted then you can move it to the Characters Tab.