Then. It was slowly driving her mad. The inaction was getting on her nerves more than she would admit. After all, she was a cop, born and bred, like her father and grandfather and their fathers and grandfathers before her, so the need to be out in the field, saving innocents and foiling criminals, was an essential part of her very core, her essence of sorts. Arima Sur was staring at the ceiling of her apartments. It was all past now, her mind dully noted. Nobody likes loose cannons, not when an officer can create a makeshift electric chair on accident. It was kind of hard to get rid of charred hair from her patrol car, too. “Maybe I should call dad.” And tell him what? That she was a complete and utter failure? Just wallowing in self-pity seemed like a better alternative. And it’s not like she could went on the streets and become a vigilante of sorts. She had superpowers, but no training with them and clearance. Ungarans, as a rule, had a very miniscule contingent of enhanced individuals, so virtually no one knew what to do with her. Of course, there always was an exception to that rule. All of sudden, her communication device started ringing. “Arima Sur? You might know me better as Cosmic Boy. I have an offer for you.” Now. It was driving her mad pretty damn fast. No discipline. No order. No uniform! No matter how you look at this, the whole Legion seemed like a raggedy bunch of walking disasters - nothing like the proper police force or army, which weren’t even divided in her homeworld. With almost painfully familiar movements, Arima prepared her living quarters and gave her costume a questioning look. It was standard-issue police uniform, if somewhat modified to suit her needs. “It’s time to rumble,” she said and put the damn thing on. “Bolt, reporting for duty!” She almost chuckled at her new codename. Almost. Sadly, Arima doesn’t chuckle. Not in public, at least. “I take you’ll be our superior officer for this mission, sir?” Just to make sure. A proper chain of command was essential for every mission. Maybe, this whole shebang wasn’t all rookies, amateurs and ex-civilians, as she feared.