[hr][hr][center][color=silver]ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕒π•₯π•šπ• π•Ÿ ℙ𝕠𝕀π•₯ / / [@Kyrisse][@Riffus Maximus][@VarionusNW][/color][/center][hr][hr] [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ / / β„‚π• π•Ÿπ•₯π•’π•šπ•Ÿπ•žπ•–π•Ÿπ•₯ β„‚π•™π•’π•žπ•“π•–π•£ πŸšπŸ› / / πŸ˜πŸ›πŸ›πŸ˜[/color][/center][hr][center][h1][color=lightcoral]𝕃 π•š 𝕝 π•š 𝕒 π•Ÿ π•Ÿ 𝕒 𝔹 𝕣 𝕒 π•Ÿ 𝕕 π•₯[/color][/h1][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/47939857/superthumb.jpg[/img][/center] When the other teenagers began speaking out, Lily's bored eyes did another sweep across the room and at the new faces. She took note of each of them. Ironically, she had a good memory despite having no memories at all of her past. Some of the teenagers were defiant as expected, some characteristically compliant and some were strangely quiet. Perhaps those that chose not to speak were as indifferent as she was. The place was to be their home, their prison and most probably the place where they will eventually die in. And just as thoughts of death crept into her mind, gunshots rang out. With depression fogging her mind, she stood where she was and didn't even flinch when a bullet whizzed past her, missing her by a mere inch. She watched the scene unfold in a detached manner. The Director firing at a soldier. Bullets raining around them. Teenagers falling to the ground. Eveything seemed to move both slowly and fast. She looked at the unmoving bodies on the ground. She assumed that they were dead by the way the blood began creeping out on the ground from their bodies. She wondered if she would take their place if she tried using her powers. Not that she really wanted to. She stared at the unmoving bodies. No one even bothered to check if they were really dead. No one made a move to remove them. It was a depressing thought. One that made her sink deeper into her gloomy mood. She looked up when tall Commander Kardos began announcing room assignments. She had been assigned her room as soon as she was released from the medical bay a few days ago. [color=f7976a]Lilianna Brandt. Room 200. Building B.[/color] Of course. It was not as if they would change her room assignment. She didn't really pay any attention to the people who were in the same building as her. They won't even bother befriending her, so what's the point? She looked at the guard who aimed a rifle at her. [color=lightcoral]"It's not as if I don't know how to get to my room,"[/color] she said. "Move." [color=lightcoral]"Fine."[/color] [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ / / π”»π• π•£π•ž π”Ήπ•¦π•šπ•π••π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝔹 : π•Šπ•¦π•šπ•₯𝕖 𝟚𝟘𝟘 / / πŸ˜πŸ›πŸœπŸ˜[/color][/center][hr] Lily walked into her room. It was the same as she had left it. The bed sheets were rumpled and half of her pillow dangled onto the floor. [color=f7976a]"Weekday curfew at 2300. No curfews on weekends"[/color] She felt the guard's rifle poke her hard on the shoulder. If she had been a little taller and a little heavier, it wouldn't have mattered. But with her small build, the force was enough to make her stumble forward. She grumbled several sharp derogatory words at the guard before the door was slammed shut behind her. Shaking her head and letting out an irritated huff, she looked towards her table where several piles of paper now laid. She walked towards it and looked at the topmost page of the pile closest to her. [color=lightcoral]"Calculus? Placement examinations?"[/color] she wrinkled her nose and looked at the other piles. Physics, Chemistry, English, Biology and then there were various request forms for electives. A deep frown crossed her face. [color=lightcoral]"Seriously? I can't even remember my real name. How am I supposed to know all about this shit?"[/color] She was just about to look at the remaining pile when she heard screaming coming from above. She looked up. [color=lightcoral]"Oh, is there some sort of party going on up there? Maybe a welcoming party? Strange that someone would be screaming their lungs off... Hmmm... Hey, what are those other sounds?"[/color] she blinked as she heard banging sounds and more yells coming from the walls. She looked around as she scratched her head. [color=lightcoral]"What a strange way to make music. Maybe I should go along with it,"[/color] she let out two yowls and then walked over to the wall and made a few bangs on it. She was about to make a louder bang when her eyes fell on the pile of papers again. [color=lightcoral]"Ooh, Biology. I'm good at this,"[/color] she pulled out a chair, sat down and began working on the examination. She was halfway through one page when her eyes fell on the 'Misc. Request Sheet.' She chewed the end of her pencil thoughtfully before she scribbled 'More Donuts' on it. Her attention gone from the examination she had been filling up, she stood up and decided it was a good time to explore the building and see what the newcomers were up to. [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ / / π”»π• π•£π•ž π”Ήπ•¦π•šπ•π••π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝔹 : π•Šπ•¦π•šπ•₯𝕖 πŸ›πŸ˜πŸ™ / / πŸ˜πŸ›πŸœπŸ˜[/color][/center][hr][center][color=a187be][h1] Allison Revel[/h1][/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/qYQfQN4.gif[/img][/center] Allison felt numb. She laid silently on the bed in the room they had provided her with. She stared at the ceiling in the darkness, hoping for the night to pass quickly as the thoughts of the past few minutes repeated in her mind. She had just watched someone die. It had happened right in front of her eyes; a person turning into a nameless mass of flesh and crumpling to the floor. Allison's ears were still ringing. She never wanted to hear a gunshot ever again. Though, considering where she was, it was probably going to happen, and Allison hated that thought. Allison found herself crying. She never cried. Not when her mother left, not when her father died, not when [i]he[/i] disappeared, never. And now, here she was, crying over the death of someone she would never know. The worst part was that she knew that she had considered what she could do with the corpse. Allison didn't know who she hated more, the bitch who dropped out of her cuffs,the guard who opened fire, or herself. Allison hoped that sleep would take her away soon. It never did. A loud scream pierced through the walls, straight into Allison's skull. The noise was so loud that it hurt. Allison's hands immediately shot to her ears, the rest of her body curling up in response to the horrible sound. The scream was inhumanly loud, and it likely belonged to the metal-head. The scream poured through the wall that sat between Allison's room and that of the metal-head. She had seemed like a mess after the incident occurred, kneeling on the ground and crying. The metal-head was probably hit hard by what happened, making her horrible screams slightly more understandable to Allison. Somewhere in the back of Allison's mind, pushed there by the deafening noise, she was compelled to go over to the girls room to try and comfort her. It was a stupid notion, though, so Allison ignored it. After a painfully long minute, the metal-head had ceased screaming, and Allison loosened her grip on her still-ringing ears. She sat there in the blissful silence for a few moments, focusing on the feeling of her tear-wet cheeks. Her mind once again floated to the idea of going to the screaming girl's room. Allison knew that the girl probably wouldn't be easily comforted by a near-complete stranger, but it might help. Allison needed someone to talk to, and the metal-head seemed like she could use some comforting. Allison allowed herself to sit in that quiet darkness for a few more moments before she began to move. Her limbs rose from the bed stiffly, carrying her to the door. Before she walked out, she wiped the tears from her face, and pulled at her mess of hair in a vain attempt to straighten it out. Allison opened the door to the hallway, which was quiet except for the few muffled jeers at the metal-head for waking them up. The girl moved awkwardly, not focusing on any of her movements. Her brain was more focused with keeping her emotions in check, the ones in the back of her mind, as well as the ones which were still tossing about in the center of it. Allison was clearly on the verge of crying again, and her attempts to hide it weren't working. When her tired body reached the door to room 300, she raised a single shaky hand to it and knocked slowly. [hr][center][color=silver]π•Šπ•–π•‘π•₯. πŸ›, 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘 / / π•Œπ•Šπ”Έβ„π•€π•ƒβ„• 𝔼𝕒𝕀π•₯ / / π”»π• π•£π•ž π”Ήπ•¦π•šπ•π••π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝔹 : π•Šπ•¦π•šπ•₯𝕖 πŸ›πŸ˜πŸ˜ / / πŸ˜πŸ›πŸœπŸ˜[/color][/center][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BZrhSDD.png[/img][/center] Just as she was on the verge of sleeping, a slow, yet audible knock broke the dead silence of AngΓ©lique's room. If one could pay close attention to the noises on the other side of the door, a series of foreign profanities (a Canadian dialect of the french language) being spoken just before the imminent angry stomps that came towards the doors a few seconds afterwards. While the metal singer wasn't completely sleeping, the very circumstances of which she would be interrupted from getting her beauty sleep after being denied for so long made her irritable. When she had heard the knocks, she told herself that surely it was divine punishment for having screaming like an idiot in the middle of the night. She didn't feel like opening the door to get yelled at by her neighbors and aggravate her already frustrated state, but on the other side of the coin she felt compelled to answer to whoever was on knocking on her door. Truth be told, now that she was less of a crying mess, she could remember clearly a few moments about the rooming methods this prison has, and how isolated people unstable like her were compared to the others. For a moment, she felt envious of the others. How much would she had liked to have roommates, to have people supporting each other in their dark times, to not feel the unbearable weight of solitude pressuring against her when things would get rough. But it was all but fantasy, and Angel knew that well. She was too much of a danger to be matched with others, too unstable. They didn't want to lose their precious tools to some screaming barely-adult woman, and Angel of all people didn't want to repeat what had happened at that concert a few days ago. No, it was probably for the best that she had been roomed alone, for the sake of the others. Having reached her, AngΓ©lique slowly opened it, at the same time letting a sigh of frustration escape her lips. [color=9e0039]"Look, if it's about the screaming, I'm fucking sorry, ok-...ay?"[/color] the metal-head said annoyingly, her tone however becoming softer as she saw the young woman's face, who had been standing on the other side of her door. At first, she couldn't quite make out who was visiting her this early in the morning because of the faint illumination of the corridor. But as her eyes adapted to the ambient light, she could see the girl standing in front, her features and most of all, her face. She was quite a beauty, somehow familiar, but it wasn't what was striking her most striking. It was just how messy the girl was, akin to the black-haired girl whose shades had slipped off her face in her near-slumber. The woman's eyes showed someone who had cried recently, and was on the verge of doing so as their eyes met. Clearly, she didn't seem like someone who had come to yell at Angel because of all the ruckus, at least that's not how she appeared to be. This sad expression was just about enough for Angel to swallow her irritation and remember that she wasn't the only one in this boat. And then it hit her like crashing waters upon rock. This familiar face, she was one of the people that had been chained with her on the truck transporting them to this prison. She also had witnessed the brutal scene that had happened earlier. Thinking about it brought tears to her eyes, and thinking that someone else was feeling the same as her, she just couldn't hold it anymore. Nevermind they were strangers, this notion shouldn't be existing between them. Feeling as such, Angel was compelled to approach the girl standing in front of her, and wrapped her arms around for a comforting embrace. She buried her face in the young woman's shoulders and tears began flowing again. [color=9e0039]"I-I'm sorry..."[/color] she kept repeating. Allison was shocked by the sudden embrace, staring at the girl who was now weeping against her shoulder. It was awkward, to say the least. Allison had no idea what to do, so she stood flustered for a moment before slowly returning the hug. As odd as it was to be suddenly hugged by a near-stranger moments after knocking on their door, Allison found the experience to be comforting. It was nice to just stand like this and let the girl get her emotions out. The day had been shitty for the both of them. They needed this. Allison needed this. Allison found herself resting her head on the other girl's, silently letting the tears fall, crying almost in unison. Allison let that moment hang in the air for as long as she could. There was no reason to interrupt it. Though, she didn't even know the name of the girl who she was weeping with. Allison was slightly amused by that thought. A shitshow so awful that it drove two strangers to weep together. Awful and beautiful all at once. She rose one hand from where rested on the girl's back to wipe some of the tears from her own face. [color=a187be]"Do you cry into the shoulders of strangers often?"[/color] She said quietly, her head still resting on the other girl's. [color=a187be]"You don't even know my name."[/color] Her words were tender, as if they too were soaked with tears. She added her name quickly before returning to the silence. [color=a187be]"Allison. My name is Allison."[/color] Upon hearing the complete stranger AngΓ©lique was crying on, she just realized how weird the situation must've been, for both of the girls. But, at the very least, she didn't shoved aside or rejected. They just stood there, probably lamenting what had happened today. She freed Allison from the warm embrace that had brought just enough comfort to a soul that was lost in the chaos that had overtaken her ever since the incident. She chuckled nervously at the brunette's sudden question, making the scene feel just the more awkward. [color=9e0039]"N-no... It's just... I don't know. Things have been hard for me, surely for all of us. I just needed to let it all out, you know? I'm sorry things got weird, I'm not usually like that."[/color] Angel replied, sniffing and wiping tears off her eyes. [color=9e0039]"I'm AngΓ©lique Lachance, or Angel if you prefer."[/color] she added in return to Allison's introduction. Lily popped her head out from the corner just in time to see her two new building mates embracing each other. [color=lightcoral]"I guess this is where the party is at, huh?"[/color] She looked around, expecting to see balloons and whatnots. But the hallway was bare and there wasn't even any music. [color=lightcoral][i]Hmmm...[/i][/color] With a slightly loopy grin on her face, she walked towards the two women. [color=lightcoral]"Hi. I'd like a hug too,"[/color] she said cheerily. When the new arrival showed up, Angel didn't initially know how to respond to her. After gazing at her for a few seconds, the black-haired young woman remembered the blonde girl. She was also in the containment room where they had first arrived, however she had came with the coffee-drinking guy. Perhaps was she someone special in this prison too? She was however no "exception" if she was here as well. Faced with her cheerfulness, Angel didn't know if the girl was either dismissive of the earlier situation, or if she was trying her best to hide it, unlike the metal-loving girl. [color=9e0039]"Uhh.... sure, I guess?"[/color] AngΓ©lique replied to the new girl asking for a hug, not quite sure what to make of her. Lily immediately gave the two girls quick hugs. [color=lightcoral]"It's nice to finally have some more people here. Living here alone was sooooo boring,"[/color] she looked from one girl to the other, blinking at their tear stained faces. [color=Lightcoral]"Uh... and here I thought we were having some sort of party... you guys don't wanna be here, do you?"[/color] she sighed. [color=lightcoral]"I suppose I can't complain too much. I can't remember how I got here much less if I actually wanted to be here,"[/color] she chattered on, not really minding that the two girls were still unknown to her. She had originally planned on seeing if there really was a party going on but it has obviously long slipped out of her mind. AngΓ©lique simply stood there, surprised by the ball of energy that quickly hugged both her and Allison. She wasn't really accustomed to being in contact with people that directly, but today was not a normal day like any other. Having people this close to her actually felt good, people she could share her thoughts with. She was however taken aback when she heard the girl speaking of a party being held here. Just how did she assume such things could be hold in this facility? The dark-haired girl raised an eyebrow as she was listening to the smaller and younger looking blonde girl. [color=9e0039]"Of course not. Who'd want to be in this... prison? I can't deny the fact that I do deserve to be isolated from the rest of the world for what had happened, but having watched some of us in that truck, I can't believe we all deserve to be treated this way." [/color] AngΓ©lique said, her expression returning to a more sorrowful face after flashing a hint of anger or disgust. Just remembering the events that had changed her life forever, she could not help but to hate herself for the disaster that occurred during her final concert. Allison stared at the small girl, silently wiping the tears from her eyes. After a few moments, her sluggish brain remembered the director's speech, which had definitely included this girl's name. [color=a187be]"Lilianna, right?"[/color] She said as her brain tried to recall what the girl had been saying just moments ago. Lilianna thought they were partying, right? No, that can't be... what a silly thought. No, no, that was something she actually said. Somewhere in the back of Allison's head, she chuckled, though her face remained blank. [color=a187be]"I think it has less to with us not wanting to be here, and more with being overwhelmed by the situation."[/color] Her words came out weakly, slow but nearly slurred. She had half a mind to use the term "fucked-up shit" but she decided against it, considering she was sure that Lilianna was a young, impressionable child. After a moment of thinking on it, she found the entire thought ridiculous. Lilianna had already seen horrible things in a horrible environment, so how bad would a few curse words be? The thought brought Allison back to what she had considered when she had first seen Lilianna. How young of a child were they willing to lock up? [color=a187be]"By the way, this may seem like a stupid question, but, how old are you?"[/color] She said, still staring at the small girl. Lily blinked at the question. [color=lightcoral]"Hmmm...? I'm 17,"[/color] she looked down at herself. [color=lightcoral]"Although I'm so small people think I'm way way younger,"[/color] she shrugged. [color=lightcoral]"I wonder how old I'd look if I wore heels or something... but heels are uncomfortable and I don't even own a pair,"[/color] she continued chattering, her thoughts derailing a little from the original topic. Listening to what both girls were saying, AngΓ©lique tried to sneak a silent yawn behind her arm and rubbed her eyes. Not that she was bothered by the presence of the two, she in fact appreciated the chat, which was a good change from the usual scowls and barks of either policemen or guards, but fatigue was once again trying to settle in. The Canadian girl would've probably offered them both something to drink and spend a bit more time talking, but it was getting quite late for such, not to mention that slowly Angel could hear the whispers slowly returning inside her mind, threatening her mood to degrade further. [color=9e0039]"I don't want to be rude to you both. I really appreciate you guys checking up, but perhaps we could further chat tomorrow? I'm quite exhausted from the trip, we probably all are. I'd really like to see you two again soon though. It is nice to know that there are still people I can have a friendly discussion with."[/color] AngΓ©lique told to the two girls standing in front of her door. [color=lightcoral]"Oh, right. It must still be so early. Sometimes I lose track of time easily,"[/color] she involuntarily yawned even though she wasn't really feeling sleepy, some sort of sympathetic reaction to AngΓ©lique's yawn. [color=lightcoral]"Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lilianna Brandt,"[/color] she flashed both girls a grin. [color=lightcoral]"I should maybe stop chatting and let you guys get some sleep."[/color] Apparently forgetting to wait for both girls to tell her their names, she gave both a small wave of her hand and then turned and skipped away. [color=a187be]"Oh, okay"[/color] Allison said as Lilianna left. Only now did she remember what she had gone to to. [color=a187be]"I was going to ask if you wanted to talk, but it seems I got my answer. I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow then." [/color]Allison split her attention between Angel and the floor, her words tired and somewhat dejected. She rose her hand slightly, in a sort of half-wave, and walked the short distance back to her own room. She needed sleep. [color=9e0039]"I would love that."[/color] Angel replied as she waved goodbye to Allison. [color=9e0039]"And thank you."[/color] She added, half whispering when her room neighbor reached her own doorstep.