[@Amithea][@Rusalka][@DriveEMOut][@Gentlemanvaultboy] The ground-shaking impact of the statue hitting the floor sent a shockwave into the floorboards of the stately manor, and the noise reverberated down into the depths of the lower levels. It echoed through stone hallways and bounced off dank, forgotten stairwells until it reached a final chamber. A small room, not far beneath the floor of the room the group resided in, but beneath them all the same. In the dark of the basement, the sound of rattling chains came drifting up through those same hallways and stairwells. The chains reached the open air and left a moment of silence is their wake. A few seconds later, a roar of pure anger erupted from the basement. It was the sound of a man's rage, restrained. In the dark of the basement, a being struggled against its bonds of leather and steel. His cries ringing off the stone walls and piercing the dark, yearning to be free.