[color=ed1c24]“Psyker Adrianne and Maria, was I not clear enough when I ordered the two of you to cease all of this idiotic and childlike drama? The two of you will drop this drama immediately and keep it out of my sight or you will both experience what happens to those heretics who are caught by the Inquisition, firsthand. Your poor choices and actions not only reflect poorly upon myself but also the rest of the squad, I will not stand by idly while my reputation or those that give a damn about the Imperium are dragged down into the warp. My words, are they clear enough this time around? Or should I have my forces upon Sovereign prepare for your arrival?”[/color] Inquisitor Icarus had reached the end of her patients and understanding, the only thing those foolish trouble makers would find now would be a merciless Inquisitor willing to show her cruelty upfront. During the whole time Inquisitor Icarus gave her lecture and warning, Celestian Andromedai listened closely with a smirk spread across her face, hidden under her airsealed helmet. Once Icarus had stopped, Andromedai hoped that her warning had actually gotten through this time to the Psykers, but something told her that it hadent. [color=00aeef]"I will do whatever is asked of me in the name of the Emperor, but their presence is still greatly needed in the squad. Sending them to my troops could have serious backlash if anyone higher up would find out."[/color] thought Andromedai to herself, she was going to have to have a word with Icarus later. For now though, the Celestian merely watched as the lander broke the planet's atmosphere and quickly made it's way into the massive city. From above, it was clear that the command world of Sovereign was very unique when compared to other colonized planets in the Imperium. In fact, the world was one of a kind and many resources had been poured into it for a large number of logically sound reasons. [color=00aeef]"The city is a little bit to clean and wealthy looking for my personal taste."[/color] said Andromedai as the shuttle quickly navigated its way towards the far edge of the city where the Inqusitors personal safe house was waiting for them. As soon as the lander touched down upon the landing pad outside, Inquisitor Icarus made sure she was the first one off the shuttle, eyeing her squad closely with fierce judgement. [color=ed1c24]"This is our base of command in the system for the time being, pick an empty room of your choice, unpack your gear and equipment, then meet me in the living room for further orders."[/color]