[center][h1][color=a0410d]Gotham City, New Jersey[/color][/h1][/center] [@Almosegosum] Khnemu had just prepared himself to ride on the winds again, before he suddenly heard a voice behind him. Out of nowhere, there a suddenly a man standing behind him. Khnemu would have jumped if he was still human, well, he was still human in a way, but he had long since become something different. Stepping back onto the earth, he stared at the man with crooked neck. He was holding a strange contraption over his head to hold out the sun presumably, it was reflecting the light in a way he had never truly seen on anything but water or gold. Whatever it was, it bothered Khnemu. [color=Blanchedalmond]"Do you not see? I've saved your home from this demon."[/color] He said, motioning to the corpse of the great beast that he had felled with a single blow. [color=Blanchedalmond]"You can live without fear now, the land can be healed and the skies will empty of this terrible smoke."[/color] He rolled up the bandages on his wrists, pulling them tight and clenching his fist.