[@Doc Doctor], I definitely would not mind going in that direction in [@Nafear] felt better about doing something along those lines. Additionally, [@Liliya] is correct about where this entire tournament is taking place. There is no reason that the ability could just not function - it really would have zero impact on Aleigha's overall performance, considering that she does not rely on the ability as something to give her any sort of reliable advantage in combat. I was even talking to my wife last night... Because there is no control, Aleigha could feel overwhelming heat in one situation (or fight), but nothing with fire actually spring up until the next. The "skip" in time is rarely a set number of minutes or seconds... Could be hours, sometimes even days. It really is mostly for aesthetics and the occasional plot point during a fight... If anything. In any case... Can't detect sarcasm from [@Liliya] or not... For much the same reasons of my sleep schedule being all kinds of flubbed up. Though the overall support is very appreciated!