Name: Phil Douglas Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: [img],h_284/81540f_04d6ba6f91eb487cb55ac300a46b7362~mv2.jpg[/img] Sin: Envy Personality: Phil is a mentally unstable fratboy, a party-loving loon who gets up to whatever shenanigans he can. Regardless, he has always had a problem with others. In class he has to sit all day and watch more physically fit guys with hot girlfriends walk by, he has to sit in silence as smart students get higher grades. Driving home in his rusty station wagon, he sees sports cars roar past. Oh yes, there are many things Phil wishes he had. In reality, he's a loser and he knows it, and all the wacky junk is a diversion. Fears: Spiders and mean dogs. Oh yes. Biography: Phil was always the hardest partier, the baddest prankster, the guy that was willing to do nearly /anything/ in the name of fun. Fun is, after all, a refuge. Throughout each semester he charged through the dorms with his shirt off, guzzling from a keg of beer. It'd be nice to say that interesting things happened, but, well, they didn't. That's why Phil became Envy gradually, bit by bit, until he was consumed. Envy is a slow process that occurs due to complacency. It takes over when you're unable or unwilling to earn that which you don't have. It took Phil a while, but he soon saw that he was a pauper among the people, a genuine nobody, and that he couldn't change that. Phil eventually managed to catch a break, or so he thought. He made some friends, and together they ventured out to find the Devil. Well, ladies and gentlemen. Let's party.