[@Growl] Declined, but for simple reasons There's a few things I will say: [hider=] [list] [*] In Rhaigo's case, he can't be related to Angelwing because, well, all of his family is already dead. If you want a full understanding of that, I may update Angelwing's character sheet to show his background information. [*] If Daxavire would have a nickname, Dax, then it would go under the "Nickname(s)" section as it is self-explanatory on why. I'd also like to know why his title is only "The Fiery". The fiery what? Or is it the "fire"? [*] Also, if you don't mind, lengthen Daxavire's appearance a little more with maybe a few more sentences. [*] All of the sections are supposed to be emphasized in some sort of way with the descriptions underneath. I can fix that myself if you'd like. [/list] [/hider]