((Collab between Myself and Letter Bee)) [b]New Vegas[/b] In a large, underground chamber underneath the Lucky 38, a secret army was doine exercises. Power Armored troops and mechnical drones, as well as a few machines of war. A man in purple-colored Enclave Hellfire Armor was watching the proceedings, revelling in the apperance of strength this gave him. But, despite his pride, he, Alan Anderson of the Enclave, knew he was not ready - [i]they[/i] were not ready. So he would wait, wait for the coming of his 'friend', James Conrad, soon to be proclaimed the next President of the Enclave. Hopefully the man would bring news of the outside...and what opportunities are present. The sound of gun shots could be heard below from the men training as James walked slowly up to alan with the report in his hand. "Alan, sir. Here is a report of the recent occurences in the wasteland." James handed them to his commander dressed in his enclave officer uniform at least for now, soon he would take on the apperal fit for a president. Alan smiled. "It seems the Legion had taken Nipton, plan to lure the NCR into attacking to preserve the crossings between Primm and the Mojave Outpost, and then leave. However, the NCR haven't seem to have taken the bait yet. Also, Feral Ghouls are multiplying." He wrinkled his face in disgust. "Perhaps our men can help thin out the ranks of those ugly people...undercover, of course." "The caps would be useful, but I fear we may draw to much attention, if our men who are trained for perfection begin to take down the ghouls left,right and center. Though I heard there is a group giving out Energy Cells. Perhaps send a group to capture a live one and then collect all of the energy cells and killing those that would dare help ghouls." James gave a sly smile as he looked out towards the troops who were no more then maybe a hundred strong. A smile from Alan. "This is heresy, but an Intelligent Ghoul is useful as a tool, one to eventually be broken, true, but a tool nonetheless. That said, though, yes, an undercover agent to find out what this 'Bright Brotherhood' is all about, and exterminate them if they prove too much of a threat...I approve of that, and will begin sending a team of operatives." A thought then came to him: "The Muted Man...he said he's heading for Legion territory. Do you think Mr. House still seeks that Platinum Chip?" James nodded slowly before turning to Alan "who's to say he doesn't already have it? From what I've seen of the strip those so called chairman at the tops seem unsure almost as though something's happened. Besides why would the legion have the chip more then likely that there's something of Mr.House in that territory. Don't you think?" "Indeed," Alan caught on. "I've been looking at old maps; there's something underneath Caesar's Fortification Hill. Something of high technology..." James nodded "Then that sounds like the reasonable place to go though I'm sure it will be dangerous and even if this man is as skilled as they say the Legion is very fanatical. Perhaps you should bring it up when you speak to Mr.House next." "Oh, I will," said Alan, "Robert has been very...accomodating of our needs." "He has, though I can't help but feel like we're trapped like rats down here. Only a few are allowed to leave and no one sees him but yourself. Frankly I don't know why he doesn't just let us claim the strip for him it'd make things easier or at the very least knowing his plans and why he's been so accomdating would be nice." "Manpower is as much a part of the equation as technology," Alan responded. "Plus, and this is what our host permits me to reveal, his physical condition, even supported by technology, is still...weathered. Surviving 200 years has not been kind to him. This is just my own speculation, but the Platinum Chip seems to be part of a plan to lengthen our host's lifespan, and if so, I sympathize with such a quest." There was a hint of patronization in his voice, but not directed towards James; rather, it was directed at the host himself, Mr. House. James nodded "Very well sir. Though I should hope to meet him soon, but nevertheless I must be off sir, should you need anything do call." James gave a salute and began to walk away