[color=f7941d][i][b]UNSC Admiral Jason Neero[/b][/i][/color] Jason sits down with his fingers laced together in front oh him while facing Master Wick. [color=f7941d]"'Thousands of years'" under the same rule, thats quite a long history. Well it sounds like we each have the same mission."[/color] Jason chuclkes slightly while rolling his eyes upward.[color=f7941d] We might not have as great a record as your Galatic Republic, but we endure nevertheless. We have had to battle a hostile ailen race called the Covenant for many years. We're currently working on peace negotiations, but as you said you're diplomats you should know how long they last. But dont think we're a bunch of self-rightous militants. We conduct far-reaching space exploration and other endevours of similar nature. Scientific research is also a big part of our organization. What else do you and the Jedi Order do for your Republic?[/color]