[hider=Darlen Hammond][hider=The Hazmat Kid][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/1/1c/Hazmat_effect.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110720084236[/img][/hider] Darlen Hammond Male - 18 years old - Loyal to Nipton Jury Rigging (Repair 90) Repair any item using roughly similar item Light Step (PE 6, AG 6) Floor mines and traps won't be set off Strong Back (Str 5, End 5) Carry weight +50 SPECIAL STR 8 PE 6 ED 5 CH 5 INT 5 AGI 6 LU 10 Focus Skills: Repair, Survival, Guns Personality - Darlen is perpetually inquisitive. He never stop searching for more knowledge: and when he was sent to the Big Empty, he became a fish in the ocean. He swam from facility to facility, taking in as much as he could while somehow ducking danger. It was as though the boy had a guardian angel, or he would have been impaled and dissected by a Cazador long ago. Instead he thrived there, and arrived back at the Mojave well learned, well geared and well fed. His plan once he arrived back with his parents was to make Nipton the most technologically advanced city in the mojave: for although the Big Empty had illustrated to him the perils of technology, the glory of the SCIENCE had overshadowed some of the lessons there. Darlen was scavenging the rust and rubble by the decimated drive-in near his home town the night that the Legion made their move on Nipton. There he found something no one could have expected: at the Mojave Drive-In, he was the one to make contact with the downed satellite. By the power of SCIENCE it took him to the Big Empty, where he was almost gutted by the ghoul-like inhabitants. He managed to seal himself in a room with a dog-like gun, which took a liking to him. It was with the aid of this companion that he survived for two years at Big Mountain, scraping enough information together to reverse the teleportation and arrive at the Mohave again in one piece. He miraculously went entirely unnoticed by the Think Tank during his stay. Once Darlen returned he found both his town had been subjugated by the legion, and his parents crucified: all that remained of his childhood memories were bones and ash. His experience in the Big Empty was now what defined him entirely: so now, questions loomed over him. What was his connection to the Mojave anymore? Was there anyone here worth saving? Or should he return home, to the Big Empty, which was now less alien to him than this vast desert land? Possesses the fully functioning Hazmat Suit and Darklight Cowl, and a K9000 gun, which he has named "Tchaikovsky". Tchaikovsky has been modified with mentat chow, resulting in an extremely rapid fire weapon and a more intelligent and loyal dog mind within. It will perceive threats or deceit in its environment beyond that of what its owner can (equivalent to an alert character of 9 PERC.) It also possesses a dogs ability to track by scent, and Darlen has taught it to recognize the unique scent of ammo and caps (and of course, food.) Occasionally the gun has been known to wake Darlen to alert him of danger, or to fire of its own discretion. Sorry for the odd formatting. [/hider]