Vert was a bit surprised to be pushed out of the kitchen only to see it get cleaned. "Ya don't gotta do that you know. Sometimes previous use of a pan adds to the flavor." Vert said scratching the back of her head as she walked into the kitchen where she continued to cook. "And yes I did wash my hands, don't wanna kill you all with salmonella. Would be a rather anti climatic death for us all." Vert said showing off her teeth again as she grabbed another strip of bacon and ate it raw. "Anyways, foods pretty much done of those of you who want to eat it. It's all ham and cheese omelets for now though, fraid it was the fastest thing I could cook." Vert said with a toothy grin before taking up a plate of her own and eating the omelet. "Oh and for those of you who do not remember, I am Vert." Vert added knowing that many of them weren't there when she introduced herself. Vert then started to walk towards the job board with a plate of the omelet in her hand as she took another bite of it. She wasn't even using utensils, she was just eating it right off of the page.