[@KoL] Here you are, resident Dark Mage. The ears are a coincidence, so now [i]all[/i] the warped Elven races need dog/cat ears now. [center][hider=Sagant "Redeye" Reikus] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/6f04/i/2016/029/6/e/goblin_mage_by_nicholaskole-d9pq6cf.jpg[/img] [sub][h3][color=red]"I gave up a life of ignorant savagery to get where I am now, I will fight for every inch of what I've earned."[/color][/h3][/sub] [hider=GENERAL] [i][b]Name[/b][/i] [color=red]Sagant “Redeye” Reikus[/color] [i][b]Age[/b][/i] [color=red]27[/color] [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] [color=red]Male[/color] [i][b]Race[/b][/i] [color=red]Goblin[/color] [i][b]Height[/b][/i] [color=red]5’3” – 1.6m[/color] [i][b]Weight[/b][/i] [color=red]112lbs. – 50.80kg[/color] [i][b]Personality[/b][/i] [color=red]A tricky and educated exception to the standard rabble of his kind, Sagant is someone that plays his cards close to his chest. While often underestimated because of his race, he’s a brutal combatant that relies heavily on dark magicks to see his way through a scrap and otherwise achieve his goals. While he rarely relies on a physical means to do his thing, he carries a sword for such occasions.[/color] [i][b]History[/b][/i] [color=red]In Sagant’s own words, there isn’t much to say about his past. He was an ordinary goblin living in the broken world with his eyes on the treasures within the megalopolis of Aquaria. The only thing that set him apart from the rest, really, was the want of the literary treasures rather than those of gold and silver. Given the cultural melting pot that was the city he dreamed of, he walked in through the front gate under the condition that he gave an oath to cause no harm to the citizens and morally good people of Aquaria. Since his word and signature were all that was needed, the venture to his future was simple enough. Beyond that, there isn’t much to tell. He began to study the arcane arts while he learned of the world, and started a focus on Dark and Shadow magic in a sort of way to represent the majority of his race. He hated to enforce the stereotypes, though most of them were correct, and those two came most naturally to him anyhow.[/color][/hider] [hider=COMBAT & ABILITIES] [b]Fighting Style[/b] [color=red][b][i]Natural Magic[/i][/b] – Pulling his power from himself, Sagant chose this form of spellcasting mostly due to a subtle Fey ancestry in his bloodline and a want to know exactly when his powers would be cut off. [b][i]Dark Mage[/i][/b] – Simply the best term for someone with an affinity for the Greater Elements of Darkness and Shadow. While not as powerful as someone with a strong focus with one or the other, Sagant can more than hold his own with a running combination of the two, along with dashes of the other elements, excepting light.[/color] [b]Abilities[/b] [color=red][b][i]Fey Ancestry[/i][/b] – Sagant, being a Goblin, has a little bit of Elven blood mixed into his family several generations back. As a result, he has what could be called a much larger mana pool than most and can cast spells for longer.[/color] [b]Skills[/b] [color=red][b][i]Persuasive[/i][/b] – Sagant will often use his powers to convince merchants to give his party a discount, threaten potential enemies, or otherwise work something in his favor. [b][i]Historian[/i][/b] – His extensive time spent in the Grand Library has awarded him a knowledge of the past few have acquired… along with a ton of useless information.[/color] [b]Equipment[/b] [color=red][b][i]Veil of Discord[/i][/b] – A cloak Sagant wears on the regular, this piece of gold-trimmed fabric carries an enchantment that reduces any magical resistance nearby enemies may have if activated. [b][i]Stone Guard[/i][/b] – A shoulder guard sneakily taken from his clan’s leader when Sagant left for Aquaria. It provides a transparent shield around his body that won’t necessarily stop a sword, though it will take the edge off of it. [b][i]Azure Dream[/i][/b] – A sapphire gem suspended from Sagant’s right-most earring. It harbors an enchantment that causes him to seem only slightly more persuasive than he already is. [b][i]Galdur Blackblade[/i][/b] – A short sword layered in Dark magic, capable of sapping energy from its victims and into its wielder’s body.[/color] [b]Inventory[/b] [color=red]-Charcoal -Several rolls of paper -Three leather-bound tomes, filled with spells and extraneous information -Four water skins[/color][/hider] [hider=OTHER] [color=red][i][b]Theme[/b][/i] – [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJzocvkIirI&list=PLZK4FAIypUFFch0bjBJYfAM2ELdnYwh-D&index=2]Alternative Root[/url][/color] [/hider] [hider=SAMPLE TEXT] The stocky figure of the Goblin mage Redeye stalked through the advance camp his clan had set up on a warfront. This was the day, the day he took charge of his own life and stopped taking orders from an Ogre with the IQ of a goldfish. As the battlemage assigned to the unit, he was often regarded with suspicion and treated almost as a slave. Fetch this, conjure that, ensure we win this war! Well he was done, done with their wants and needs, done with being their servant… Tonight, he took his revenge. He wrapped up his near-bare feet in a thick layer of dark magic, silencing his steps as he strode to the largest tent at the top of the camp. The guards outside were asleep, leaning on their spears while they snored. They’re loss, they’d lose the chance to appease their war god with the blood of betrayal. Redeye stepped past his former allies, coming to the sleeping figure of his leader in an oversized bed. Tall he was, coming to double the Goblin’s height, and likely triple his weight. A glutton if one existed, and now that would come back to bite him in the ass. The mage took a pair of rank-smelling pants from the ground and pulled the belt from them. It was the buckle he was after, a powerful artifact that the brute owed his longevity to, and would soon change hands once again. While he was working, the behemoth stirred, earning a reaction from the short fellow and causing him to speed the process up. While the warchief awoke slowly, Redeye couldn’t help but smirk. The Stone Guard was his, and he was now binding the armor piece to his shoulder while the shadows cast by the lone torch in the room began shifting. Now was the time. [color=red]”Rotgut, old friend, I’ve enjoyed our time together, though I must say…”[/color] He chuckled to himself while dark clouds formed around his hands, the shadows in the tent moving erratically now. [color=red]”I’m through being your servant.”[/color] He held his arms out, hands splayed, as dark tendrils shot from his palms to the commander, and began to tear him apart. A more morally ambiguous decision would be hard to find. To kill a horrible being with a cruel, painful method? Well, it’s all in the past now.[/hider] [/hider][/center]