[b]Name:[/b] Anriette Argentine (Du'lac) [b]Titles:[/b] Envoy of the Aquatayne Embassy, owener of the Argentine Trading Company. [b]Race:[/b] Lycanthrope [b]Age:[/b] 27 Human Form: [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/4d/bb/62/4dbb62cf2b5f843e63517f5fc5e9122c.jpg[/url] Lycan Form: [url]http://i43.tinypic.com/2r6l3fc.jpg[/url] [b]Biography:[/b] The name Argentine is a (relatively) young, but well known name across the Mediterranean and its surrounding nations. Beginning in the Occitan states in the previous generation as what could essentially be described as a 'polite' racketeering ring, the Argentine Trading Company arose out of the profits made through 'protecting' the warehouses of those merchants willing to pay. Soon most ports in the Western Mediterranean had a least a passing presence of the growing network. Its owner, Gilliam Argentine, went from a rather rough around the edges mob boss, to a respected trader overnight, often using his knowledge of the maritime underbelly to ensure he didn't fall afoul of the same tricks her had used to get himself into position. While many found his rise to power to be unsavoury, and thus avoided him for this reason, even those who questioned his morality could hardly have guessed that the man was in fact a Lycan, heralding from the wilderness to the North. With only a single daughter, few expected the company to last long beyond his eventual death, slain it what can best be described as internal company politics. That daughter, however, proved far more efficient and ruthless then would be expected. Within the year all those who might have had a role in her father's death had joined him, despite their previously prominent positions, with relatively little damage to the company. This minor setback was more then equalled by Anriette's desires to expand the business, pushing into markets across the sea. The sigil of a a silver mermaid clutching an 'A' can now be seen, in some form, across the known world. This was not the end of her ambitions however, Anriette looked to surpass her father not just in terms of business, but also social movement. Four years ago, she orchestrated her own marriage into the noble, but increasingly cash poor house of Du'lac, first cousins to the crown of Aquatayne. Rather then revel in such a position, as one might, she instead used her new position to take a position as an envoy for the Ambassadors of Aquatayne, to provide yet another post from which to improve her position. Having served within the Aquatayne Embassy to the Empire of Konstantia for a year, she has now been transferred to Nocturne, a situation she finds, in private, more than a little bit amusing. Despite her efficient and ambitious ways, Anritte is actually quite a personable individual, enjoying the finer elements of life, charming and easy to get on with, she develops a wide circle of friends where ever she may be, friendships often genuinely won, and then later called upon to benefit the young lady in some way. Softly spoken, with a somewhat girlish nature, despite her position many still do not fail to underestimate her. [b]The Argentine Trading Company:[/b] Primarily focusing on territory in what was modern France and Spain, the Argentine Trading company sponsors routes across the sea, involved in both bulk and luxury trading, with increasing inroads into Africa. Roughly 20 ships of varying size can attest to be directly owned by the company, while several hundred could be sponsored at any one time. Increasingly, however, the Company makes money as a middle man, buying goods from other traders before selling them on to buyers across the scope of their network.