[@Rusalka][@WeepingHollows][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Amithea] As the intrepid mansion explorers ventured down the hallway and examined the sparse decorations, the unforgiving environment and the general malaise of the subterranean architecture, the first images to enter their heads might have been just how someone could be trapped in such a cruelly constructed place beneath such a welcoming abode. Truly the hidden passages didn't look to match the house they were attached to at all. Looking like something out of one of the darker parts of historical texts on crime and punishment. A gaol, maybe? A thought for another time. As they arrived in the chamber that was the origin of the screams and the struggle, a brazier in the center of the room burst into flame to reveal the prisoner. The form of a heavily muscled man was easy to see. Skin darkened into tough leather but what could only be decades of hard labor, wide shoulders, standing at a height of around 7 feet. With hands like they were carved from stone, he struggled against the bonds that held him. He was strapped to the wall by a terrifying amount of leather buckled strips and dark steel chains, but still he pulled against them. His head was covered in a helmet that looked more like an iron maiden then it did a helmet. Otherwise his body was bare, with all its scars and deep marring, save for his tattered cloth pants. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh! Bully work finding that hidden passage! Truly good show."[/color] Said a disembodied voice from the shadow. Strange that it didn't seem to be coming from the large monster of a man chained to the wall, as all he could do was struggle and mewl. Turning around to the wall opposite would find no other prisoner. A situation most peculiar, this bodyless voice. [color=7ea7d8]"I do apologise for the big lummox's vocal furore, he's blind as a bloody bat and deaf as anything without me to interpret for him."[/color] Not a hint of another prisoner even being held here. The only other thing in here was in the other wall. Literally IN. From the stonework protruded a large, menacing blade of dark steel. Jagged and slightly curved. It's hilt and handle looked twisted, organic in a fashion, as it seemed to... BREATHE. The pinkish eye on the blade just before the wall squinted at the party through the offensive light. [color=7ea7d8]"Now, would you mind terribly if one of you were to yank me from this bloody wall and use me to cut the big lad loose? I'm frightfully aware of his fear of the dark and he's been crying for so very long."[/color]