[@rocketrobie2][@Growl] So instead of having an abundance of magic users we're going to have an abundance of game-changing heavy hitters? Oh joy. Sorry if I'm not jumping for joy at the prospect of not one, but [i]two[/i] OP Krytonians dominating the playing field. Also this makes... how many other survivors/slash clones of Kryptonians in the DC Universe now? Sheesh, it's like that whole "Last of Son of Krypton" thing just completely lost all its meaning, doesn't it? I know Cadmus isn't above cloning Supes and even Supergirl, but I'm pretty sure even Waller would want to limit the clones to one each (ie Superboy and Power Girl) because, well, they're freaking Kryptonians they're gonna be hard enough to keep under control without having several of them to keep track of. Plus, devoting an entire clone just to take on Wonder Woman (who I should mention is nowhere near Supes' level) is way overkill. Why not clone Wondy herself or another Amazon? Hell just write it off as the umpteenth reboot of Donna Troy's origin story. EDIT: By the way, Superboy only worked out because he was half human (he had Clark's AND Lex's DNA) so a full-blooded Kryptonian who stands to be just as much of a god-mode as Superman already is? Oi...