How's this for my human character? I'll have my other two digimon sheets up soon. [hider=Rubani Lienes][center][h1][color=DarkSeaGreen]Rubani Lienes[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Age:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Gender:[/color][/b] Female[/center] [b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Personality:[/color][/b] Rubani is a stubbornly confident girl with an appetite for adventure. She's been travelling the world for the past two years trying her best to understand the world that she hadn't had the chance to learn about when she was a child. She is often easily distracted by almost anything of interest, and can forget her original purpose in an area for hours, or even days at a time. [b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Brief Bio:[/color][/b] Rubani was a child held prisoner from the rest of the world by an abusive father until she was 11, when the police finally caught on to what he was doing. Rubani was sent to live in a foster home, and she was finally introduced to the world. From that point on, she promised herself that she would travel the world and see everything there was to see. Some of her travels include spending a few months in Ireland helping out on a small farm, following a travelling circus for a week in Africa, and even taking part in a renaissance faire in America of all places! The strange atmosphere of the faire made it one of her favorite places to visit. It was during a sunny afternoon in Spain when she found her way in to the digital world. The running of the bulls was something she had wanted to see ever since she had been told about it ny a Spanish man in the US. She was just heading through the doors of the airport when the portal to the digital world appeared in front of her, and she found herself in the middle of a jungle with no idea where she was and no idea how to get back to where she started. [b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Sovereign Partner:[/color][/b] Xuanwumon [b][color=DarkSeaGreen]Equipment:[/color][/b] cheap tourist binoculars; cellphone with a digital camera; travelling suitcase with a change of clothes and snacks for the plane; sunglasses[/hider]