[@KoL] Alright, I finished mine. Just one point of interest, which is whether or not a shield with a rotating handle would fit with the technology of the time, just asking to be certain. [hider=Kreiss Stahl] [color=orangered][b]Name:[/b][/color] Kreiss Stahl [color=orangered][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=orangered][b]Race:[/b][/color] Human [color=orangered][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Very short black hair and very dark eyes. He usually keeps a fairly neutral expression mostly because it's just his natural state. [color=orangered][b]Height:[/b][/color] 194 centimeters [color=orangered][b]Weight:[/b][/color] Heavy [color=orangered][b]Armor:[/b][/color] Medium-Heavy [color=orangered][b]Jump height:[/b][/color] Still pretty high [color=orangered][b]Biceps:[/b][/color] Deceptive [color=orangered][b]Character Concept:[/b][/color] Try to imagine the kind of guy who was so bad at swords that, in a fight, he never usually bothered to even draw it and just beat people with his shield while his team-mates took care of the rest. Then try to picture the same guy, now with a bigger shield, picking up a second similar shield, sort of as a joke. Finally, picture the man, who is currently wielding two-shields, wading through a horde of the undead to reach his team-mates, beating them back with a whirlwind of blunt steel, all the while thinking; [color=orangered][i]Damn, this is fuckin' rad.[/i][/color] And now you have a pretty good picture of Kreiss Stahl. He's the guy who uses two shields and he ain't afraid to go balls deep because [i]he's got two freakin' shields[/i] and there ain't anything on the planet that can touch a guy behind two shields. [b][color=orangered]Combat and Skills:[/color][/b] Kreiss is a heavy bruiser type of fighter, who matches his unconventional style with unexpected mobility. He has distinctly average speed for wearing heavy armor, but he never stops moving. His stamina seems close to bottomless, and he is nigh unstoppable with two shields on. Trying to stop his run carries a serious risk of great-shield to the face, and after getting hit once it usually works well as a deterrent. Kreiss is also very experienced with setting up kills for archers and long-range mages who want the sweet satisfaction of sniping someone out of mid-air. Despite his build, he can easily get under an opponent and slam them upwards into the air. Obviously it doesn't work on certain opponents, but usually it can make for a few easy picks. He uses Earth magic to boost his strength when against heavier opponents, but he isn't very well trained in it and he can only apply it in short bursts. [b][color=orangered]Equipment:[/color][/b] He wears medium-heavy armor which he keeps well maintained. He also has a collection of shields to suit various purposes, but he usually carries around rectangular great-shields and a reasonably heavy round shield on his back just in case. His favorites are custom made great-shields which are able to turn and lock around the handle so that Kreiss can take a better offensive stance when using them. He also carries the adventuring supplies if the next trip will take a while. [b][color=orangered]Other:[/color][/b] Kreiss is a freelance adventurer. He never had a set party he always went with to begin with, so he is quite well known for being the guy who uses two shields. [center][hider=Sample Post] [b][color=orangered]"One!"[/color][/b] He shouted as the Kobold flew into the air. An arrow from nearby finished it in one shot. The sound of metal on metal resounded as the Kobold's friends made a feeble attempt to revenge their brethren. Unfortunately for them, they would be joining him soon. One of the Kobolds took a great-shield slam to the face and was sent sprawling, while the other one's neck ended up in Kreiss' grip. He threw the Kobold up into the air and started gathering mana. As the Kobold came down, strength surged through his body, his shield rotated 90 degrees, and he slammed the Kobold with a backhanded uppercut, sending it up again. [b][color=orangered]"Two!"[/color][/b] He shouted as an arrow pierced its head. He was sort of forgetting who the arrows were coming from but he'd remember when he looked at them again. The only thing on his mind right now was the last Kobold. His mana surged again, as his arm slipped out from the handle of his great-shield and he took aim. [b][color=orangered]"Three."[/color][/b] [/hider][/center] [/hider]