[@NekoMizu] Anime(I would list some but just assume I have seen or heard of all the things under the sun.), Gaming(Rpg's are something close to my heart but I like hard stuff like old school games and dark souls, Thanks to Shoryu I have and continue to try my hand at Resonance of Fate probably the hardest rpg I have ever played.), I do my fair share of d&d and writing it's just not story based, I script for d&d stuff sometimes. Apart from that you will find it hard to not see me glued to my pc. Oh and I play piano. :3 Oh and I forgot to mention, even so I don't do it as much as I should now days I ain't to shabby at fighting games thanks to years of playing with Shoryu, So just assume I am down to play any of the fighting games available. on that note, [@Shoryu Magami] I went to a cinema the other night with my gf, it had an arcade. It felt good to know I could still whoop the max difficulty bots. $2 for 30+ mins of play time...ha!