The feeling of magic in the air, its rush of peculiar, almost lifelike qualities born at the hands of the woman's arcane works, its energy then flooded the formerly dim confines of the room in brilliant globes of hovering light. A few of the invaders now surrounded by it, confused at first to what they were besieged by, were just in the same moment sprung upon as the attack commenced. Brannor spent not a moment of hesitation to this opportunity, placing the other hand upon the greatsword and rushing the first, most vulnerable of foes his eyes set to. A pair of kobolds to the right, one by the other, were distracted by the glittering arcane orbs - one frantically reaching, attempting to be rid of them and the other mustering a defense against what he could see now in the counterattack. Both had little idea of just how grave an error they had made coming here on this night, how foolish this delve and endeavor was; what its price for them would be. Their panic, really nothing short of the scent of fear, drove a fair amount of added force behind the woodsman's blade and just as it did before with sword moving before body, it cut at a diving angle across his person from shoulder on down. [hider=Rolls] Rolled a [url=]22[/url] for greatsword attack against close, right kobold affected by [i]Faerie Fire[/i]. Rolled a [url=]14[/url] for slashing damage if attack is successful. Brannor will use his attack of opportunity on the next enemy to provoke from him, favoring the kobold he did not attack. [/hider] The steely, worn weapon's surface glinted in the magic light a moment before it almost certainly disappeared into its mark and by the time it returned to the ready, all in that same flash of controlled savagery, Brannor whipped about to his left and set fierce eyes upon the other foe. He did more than bare his teeth in menace, choosing to also wisely adjust his positioning; far more squared and interfering with the path seemingly now opened behind him. It was his hopes, as the sound of conflict evolved around him, that the enemy would be fool enough to move but only time would tell - other sensations filled his veins instead. The thrill returned, once more the rush of the hunt, all the lull between had been cleared from his mind. It left the man, body armored in scrounged chain and hide, decorated at the hands and boots with old leathers and wrapped in hunting cloak with a euphoria unlike any other. He had tasted it only a few times before, striking down the odd wayward enemy that devoured the joy or beauty of the world outside. But to be one of the last few lights fighting, surrounded by darkness? Sublime. He had few tastes or appreciations for the other finer things yet, learning as he was, but these events only opened his eyes more. [@Phoenix][@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]