Rambling without providing apparent constructiveness is, in its own way, very much in vein of the way dreams are, [@Vor]. Regardless, they were interesting stories and seem to have a fairly notable impact on you than a good number of people - it was not until more recently I myself started to ask questions of "Do my dreams fuel my perceptions?" or "Do my perceptions fuel my dreams?" Not exclusively I mean, they're a bit of give and take, but in general. While mostly in relation to the bad dreams, it has a lot more interesting and deeper implications with the good or decent dreams, especially as more and more lucidity gets involved. Not that I am an expert, but from my own experience with tooth related dreams - one of the few "dreams everyone supposedly has" that I share, as for example I have not had a falling or flying dream - mine are pretty firmly rooted in my aforementioned insecurities around people. I am no stranger in needing to blend in, but it wounds me on a much deeper level when I cannot be my own persona and identity. Mine changes by each time, but yours sounds like it might be more related to something you encountered or thought you did in youth, that's my guess. To answer your question, I dream in color and [i]very[/i] rarely can recall voices or sounds. In the dream they are present, but I am not able to recall what is said, instead only the gist of their meaning or intent. I could paraphrase it, but it is far more startling if and when I can remember words. The color tends to be foggy or misty, with distances being hard to determine.