[center][h2][color=#154360][b]qυιnтen rυмanceĸ[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Outfit] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/62/69/fa/6269facc7296214e41222ab181395898.jpg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Rumancek Household ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Phoenix (son) - Mother [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img] 6:15PM[/center] [b]"Dad. Want cacka. Peez!"[/b] The small boy stood at Quinten's side tugging at his pant leg with one hand, the other pointing up at the pantry. Quinten shook his head with a small smirk and gently leaned down, picking his young son up off the ground and into his arms. [color=#154360][b]"Only because you asked so nicely, I will let you have some crackers. Not too many, though. We're going to eat soon, okay?"[/b][/color] The boy's piercing blue eyes never left his father's, nodding with a tiny sheepish grin in response, to which he covered shyly. Quinten pulled the pantry door open, fetching out the box of animal crackers to take a small handful from it before placing the box back where it came. With Phoenix on his hip, the animal crackers in the same hand as his son, Quinten pulled the tray off the kid's seat and sat him in it to let Phoenix eat his crackers in peace. From outside, Quinten could just barely make out the sound of a door shutting before Seamus began barking at the stranger, unbeknownst to the dog that it was only Quinn's mom getting home from work. [b]"Oh hush, Seamus! It's just me. You big ol' baddie,"[/b] Quinn's mother chimed as she shut the door behind her, carrying a grip load of bags in each arm. [i]Groceries.[/i] [color=#154360][b]"Ma! Why didn't you text or call me? I'd have helped."[/b][/color] Quinten frowned at his mother, feeling bad for not having had the chance to help her lug the bags in. A simple, dismissive wave of her hand and Quinten rolled his eyes. She was always a do-it-yourself kind of person, and there was no helping her when she had her mind set. [b]"I knew you had the boy, so I didn't want you to have to bug Davina to watch him so you c-"[/b] [color=#154360][b]"Ya know, you [i]could[/i] always just ask [i]her[/i] for help. She's very capable of carrying in a few groceries, ma,"[/b][/color] Quinten interrupted with a slight smirk plastered on his face. His mother didn't seem to find it as humorous as he did. [b]"She's been through a lot. I just think it's best to leave her be. She needs this time to do her own thing. She's been looking after everyone else but herself the last couple years. Davina deserves a break."[/b] As much as Quinten tried not to think about it, upon Davina's own request, she [i]did[/i] have it pretty hard over the last few years and he guessed his mother was right. Thinking no more on the matter, he turned back to Phoenix and noticed the boy was done with his crackers. He chuckled softly at the 'Um, hello?!' look on his son's face before helping him out of his highchair booster seat. Phoenix seemed to take off as soon as his bare feet hit the wood flooring, going off after Seamus and his puppy, Bagheera. [b]"So what's for dinner?"[/b] Busy with putting groceries away, Quinn's mom didn't bother to look back at him but the tone of her voice told Quinten she was joking. Although, on some level, she was probably hoping that he'd planned something out already. [color=#154360][b]"Isn't that a woman's job, [i]Jennifer[/i]?"[/b][/color] he teased his mother. A swift glare from over her shoulder caused him to burst out into a little laugh. [color=#154360][b]"Actually, I ordered some pizza.. if that's not too big of a deal. I got Davina her plain ol' spinach and chicken pizza, while we've got our mushroom and pepperoni pizza."[/b][/color] Her lack of objection assured him that it was a good plan, she was probably just in her usual mode of winding down from work. She tends to be a pretty quiet person but after work, she was as silent as they come. Thinking about work started Quinten on a whole new train of thought. Now that it was the weekend, he'd be the one to be working rather than his mother. They never worked the same days. She maintained weekdays while Quinten only worked weekends due to school, with the occasional day off to spend with his son. Luckily for him, he'd get to spend Saturday with Phoenix and then only have a morning with him before dropping him back off with his boy's mother before work. Oh the joys of early parenthood. [hr] [hr]