[center][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/629a098b634c81a36be0f370e79e343b/tumblr_mn9o14HlbA1s7fzcuo1_500.gif[/img] [h1][color=hotpink]Juliette Rivers[/color][/h1][/center][hr]Juliette flopped back on her bed. She glanced at the clock next to her bed, it was after school now, she reckoned. Curse waking up way past her alarm (and by that she meant sleeping in for about 5 hours...oops). She sighs and runs a hand through her hair. She checks her texts [quote][i]Hey, Juliette, girl you gotta go to the party and the game today, pretty please?[/i] -Message from "Utterly awesome friend"[/quote] She gives a small smile and fires back a response, saying an okay. Juliette walks over to the radio in the corner of her bedroom, turning it to her favourite contemporary music channel and starts dancing. She lets herself free as she dances around her room, bending her body this way and that, being completely carried away to the music. When the songs stop and the news announcer starts blaring out the news she heads towards her closet, picking out a few things for the party and game later on tonight. Not showing up to school today didn't mean she had to be a party pooper did it? Juliette picked out a loose fitting white t shirt with quite a lot of paint splatters on it and a pair of ripped jeans. She added a small black fedora to it and placed her favourite pair of brown leather boots next to the outfit. She also grabbed some black shades, just in case she needed that sense of mysteriousness and uniqueness. With a satisfied smile she grabs her IPod and runs out of the house into the street, time for some more dancing in the sunset before the party. She turns on her IPod, plugs in her bluetooth earphones and lets herself go to the music once again.