[hider=Mechanics talk] Technically since the Kobold was affected by Faerie Fire, Brannor would have got advantage on their roll. However, since the strike lands and kills either way, I don't deem it necessary to for the other attack and potential critical. [/hider] The victim of the attack soon became a casualty of war, leaving behind but a bleeding carcass as the warrior's ferocious strike connected with their flesh. The kobolds were quite frail creatures, as had become evident over the progress of this night... Luckily for the saviours-to-be of Greenest, the opposition once again was made up of mostly them. In the cramped room most of the opposition was still distracted by the sudden magic assisted assault, with one exception. The man sized drake somewhat at the back roared at the approaching human and half-orc, in it's behaviour hinting a swift counterattack. While this might have been worrisome in the normal situation, the creature was now covered in glittering Faerie Fire and thus appeared quite a bit less threatening.