So, after some delay, here's the first round of revisions: [@TheWindel]: You're good, jut finish your CS and you're approved. [@CelticSoldier]: You're approved as well. [@Mega Birb]: Ohoho! That's the stuff, that CS was really cool from head to toes. I'll even disconsider the fact that you managed to sneak a goblin on my city when I'm thinking on the best way to skin y'all.Either way, approved as well. [@RoflsMazoy]: You are good as well. As for your question, I don't think that such a device would be out of bounds, but certainly it's a custom stuff, so you won't be buying a replacement for it so easily if it breaks, just telling ya. [@Themerlinhawk]: You're approved as well. Actually, that tarot deck as a nice name to it, it could come to be interesting IC, since it's the same as the title of the Knight of Legend Arianna Weiss, The Knight of the Gales. All who were approved can move their CSs to the CS and begin posting IC at your leisure. bear in mind that we won't have a post rotation or something like this established for the time being, but let at least a couple people post before you do so again. Now, for the last issue: [@The1Rolling1Boy]: Your character is not bad per se, but that writing sample worries me. It's not the length or anything like this but the way you wrote it, since I won't really take that kind of writing IC. I'll ask that you redo that in proper prose format, before accepting your character and, once you are accepted, that you don't write like that IC, since it really feels bad to read. Everything else is good, but that tiny bit really worries me. So, sorry for that. Fix the issue and you can consider your CS approved.