Valeria was a wasteful place. Perhaps Gold-Notch-Alley wasn't the most appropriate place for getting an unbiased impression of the great city, but domes of noble metal visible up the mountain were reason enough to start thinking: Wouldn't the world, erm, Nocturne, be a bit of a better place if wealth would be a bit less concentrated ? It was an inherently unstable system that made it easier for those to accumulate more who already had much of it. At least that was what Hatuum thought as he was walking along the streets. He wore a black dyed, thick and woolen cloak that reached from his shoulders down to almost his feet and was held in place by a no less black girdle spanning tightly around his huge waist. His hair of medium length was combed left and right, forming a neat parting in the middle. That would have to suffice for getting into the Council chambers. Since Valeria was basically on Hatuum's way back to the western provinces attending a public hearing couldn't hurt, could it ? Not that he was interesting in the palaver going on in there. It was the early acquired knowledge that words and official threats were not the only way a political dispute could be won. The fact of it being an open session would also mean that a lot of other rich and influential persons would be present. He could act as a silent lobbyist for himself by picking the right, subtle hints. Or, which was not that unlikely, just by getting recognized by someone with the right interests. Hatuum felt the constant pressure of eyes staring at him from behind. Some people stepped sideways as he approached them, some others just stood there and turned their heads as he evaded them. It certainly was no new phenomenon, but he still felt better the moment the large doors closed behind him. Now where to sit ? In search for an adequate position, the man squeezed himself through the already rather densely packed crowd. Several persons grumbled as he temporarily blocked their vision, but he finally found a place where he wouldn't do so permanently - there just wasn't anyone around him. Still the bench gave a cracking noise when Hatuum sat down, his knees being situated so much higher than his bottom that he could rest his arms and head on them without bending too much. He stared down towards Amelia. Seeing an Elder was a very rare sight for him.