[h2]Svetleaze von Einzbern[/h2] "Indeed, to have so many magi congregated outside of the Mage's Association is an aberration. For this, Master Schweinorg insisted that it was of great importance and called those of us that would listen," the homunculus explained, looking down for a second at her soup. Almost gone; her Servant's apparent appetite was influencing her more than she had given him credit for. Maybe a fear of someone coming in and eating everyone's food? "I came as the representative for the Einzbern. It was our efforts that lead to the creation of the grail that this ritual is based upon and a lack of our involvement could have been troublesome." One of the other Servants, an unremarkable-looking man in her view when compared to her own gleaming Servant, apparently needed to massage his ego by picking a fight with Kintoki. Not content with being sidelined, some animal-eared girl thought to join the contest of athletics despite the rather clear disadvantage against how the two Berserkers were likely to compete. Really, were some of the Masters such failures that even their Servants felt a need to prove themselves? Servants with poor judgement, nonetheless: to think that Einzbern would summon a weaker Servant that could be bested by the likes of them, without a serious and [i]intentional[/i] choice to put themselves on such a level. "Kintoki, please show these two how strong our pairing is." [hr] [h2]Medea[/h2] "We don't need to go anywhere, just stay still," the former princess stated, clasping in her hand a certain... ominous dagger. It was jagged and brittle looking, unfit for use as a weapon of any description, and yet the point was being unerringly lined up with Diarmuid's face, "This blade nullifies any kind of magecraft in the world." That was the limited warning before she stabbed him.