[center][sup]Collab with: [@Silent Observer] [@Universorum] [@Viciousmarrow][/sup] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmExYTFhMS5UbTkwSUVGdWIzUm9aWElnVFc5dVpHRjUuMAAA/school-book-new.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjMwYzNjZi5RbWxyYVc1cElFTmhjaUF0TFEsLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/just-another-hand.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmU2ZGQ5My5WMmhoZEQ4LC4wAAAAAAAAAAAA/just-another-hand.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjNlZDBhYy5UbTh1LjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/just-another-hand.regular.png[/img][hr][h3][b][color=181313]Jareth[/color], [color=0ed3af]Mariah[/color], [color=ffff99]Remy[/color], [color=#de5d83]Temperance[/color], [color=08c7d1]Christopher Robin[/color], & [color=ff2052]Lorelei[/color] [/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Ji5EFV0.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmExYTFhMS5UMk4wYjJKbGNpQXpjbVF1SURJd01UWSwuMgAAAAA,/the-girl-next-door.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmExYTFhMS5Oem8wTUNCQlRRLCwuMgAA/the-girl-next-door.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmExYTFhMS5WMlZ6ZEhkdmNuUm9JRWhwWjJndUlFSjFhV3hrYVc1bklFRXVJRWhwYzNSdmNua2dVbTl2YlNBeExnLCwuMgAA/the-girl-next-door.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent]Chilly, that is a good way to describe the weather in Westworth today. It wasn’t predicted to get much past mid sixties - a hopeful high temperature - and autumn was in full swing. They had a few weeks still before the first snow would come to blanket the town with full-blown [b]cold[/b] and, until then, it would be [i]chilly[/i]. As such, Jareth was already wearing three layers - a weathered The Devil Wears Prada band shirt, a dark grey unzipped hoodie for insulation, and a black faux leather jacket. One earbud was fished through the layers and disguised by his styled mop of ebony locks so that he could listen to music in his right ear and still appear to be paying perfect attention in class throughout the day. Jareth shut his locker and spun the lock’s dial a few times to scramble it before heading towards homeroom. There was some important meeting today about their senior trip or something like that, so it was actually worth being punctual in his eyes. Just outside the classroom was Desi, all huddled up next to the heater. Jareth laughed and dramatically imitated her crossed arms and pout, adding in a full body shiver for emphasis. [b][color=181313]”Morning, Des!”[/color] [/b]he said in his cheerful morning person voice, as he had already been up for an hour and a half to go running before school. Though, not as cheerful as he usually was because, Mariah was right, it was fucking cold. Mariah stared at Jareth for a few moments, her reaction to the mocking delayed--probably as a result of the temperature around her (and it was only going to get fucking [i]colder[/i]). She stuck her tongue out at her friend and stuffed her hand into the pocket of her hoodie, fishing around before she retrieved a gummy bear. She pulled it out and looked at it. Finally, the cold girl smiled. Cherry! She popped the chewy snack into her mouth before tugging absently at her hat. [b][color=0ed3af]”Well, I’m glad you didn’t say [i]good[/i] morning, because it’s not a [i]good[/i] morning, it’s just [i]cold.[/i]”[/color][/b] Bitterly, she adjusted her hat around her ears properly and stood up after checking her phone for the time. [b][color=0ed3af]”We should go to class before we’re late. Hopefully the heater has sufficiently warmed my chair so it isn’t just [i]frozen plastic[/i].”[/color] [/b]She stuffed her hand back into her pocket to withdraw another gummy bear… Lemon. Gross. Mariah held the snack out to Jareth, [b][color=0ed3af]”Gummy bear?”[/color][/b] [b][color=181313]”Ooh, yellow? What a blessing, I feel loved.”[/color][/b] Jareth quipped snarkily, but took the offering and popped it in his mouth. He knew she didn’t like lemon, he was doing her a favor, truly, but he didn’t mind, sugary treats are sugary treats after all! Together, they departed from the inviting warmth of the heater to join up with the rest of the junior class. Inside one of two history rooms, designated for junior homeroom, Remy Delaney held onto a blue marker and stared at the whiteboard contemplating what to write on it. He wore a white beanie, that made his darker attire pop ([url=http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/173844623/id/IGGxDcRG5RGhJN6Tmu7EJQ/size/y.jpg]gray/black All Time Low shirt, black tight jeans, navy blue converse[/url]). Plus, beanies were comfy and hid his bed hair, which was inevitable because Temperance was in the shower FOR-FUCKING-EVER. This change was going to be a pain in his ass - with his dad being engaged and all. Behind him was Mr. Clarke’s podium, that he had placed a couple of packets on. One about Spirit Week, another about Auditions for Monsters Inc the Play, a student made production, and another one about the Halloween dance, seeking a committee and chaperones. All that good stuff. Since he was the secretary of their homeroom council, he had to do the work that nobody wanted to do, but that’s okay. Someone had to. In the back of the classroom, a nervous Temperance was flipping through her messy notebooks, wild eyes scrounging for an important assignment due in History class today. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found, lost forever in the eternal abyss. She was going to fail! The world was spiraling around her, the bricks of reality falling apart one by one. Her pulse escalated, her breathing went heavy, and the clutches of anxiety threatened to choke the life out of her. Averting her gaze upwards, the frantic girl spotted her step-brother at the front. Her saving grace: Remy, the Knight in Shining Armor, the Illuminated One! There was no fear anymore, only hope found in her brother’s lanky form. The glimmer of a new dawn radiated from Temperance’s bold, green eyes, and with an impulsive shout, she called to her would-be savior. [b][color=de5d83]“Remyyy! Can I copy your homework!?”[/color][/b] By now, Remy had written “FUNrai” but when he went to the “s” a loud piercing voice entered his head causing him to make an unnecessary scribble. Glancing to the door, he tried to catch Mr. Clarke’s strides, which were usually prominent, due to his dress shoes. It didn’t sound like he was anywhere near, yet. Did she forget that homeroom was just about to begin in like… his eyes trailed to the clock, two minutes. Turning on his heel, he stared at the nervous wreck that would be his [i]darling[/i] sister in the spring and gestured at his desk, by the window, with his book pack. “[b][color=#ffff99]Green notebook, give it to me at lunch.[/color][/b]” Conveniently for her, [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/43954fd5e8fe66d71d3fd103e93d6d58/tumblr_o1etsmEoOs1tlq4cxo1_1280.jpg]Lorelei Foxley[/url], or Lala for short, Temperance’s friend since they met at Sunday school many years ago, was staring out the window and biting the end of her pencil waiting for something exciting to happen (anything really, she was bored as fuck). Playfully rolling her eyes at Tempy’s outburst, she shifted her body to face Remy’s desk and took it upon herself to dig in his backpack, which was extremely organized and smelt like spring. After grabbing the notebook, that had marker doodles on the cover, she strolled to the back of the room and offered it to the frazzled blonde, “[b][color=ff2052]Gotta’ learn to pipe down if you’re gonna do shit like this. What if Clarke heard you?[/color][/b]” [b][color=de5d83]“Oh yeah… Um… Well…”[/color][/b] Temperance stammered out, practically jerking the notebook from her friend’s hand. There was no doubt that her insistence on copying Remy’s homework would result in dire consequences, but sometimes you had to do what was necessary to pass! As the saying goes, C’s get degrees. Hastily, the girl brought out her thermos of coffee, unscrewed the top, and took a sip of the bitter, black liquid inside. She was poised and ready to focus on the homework she had to copy! Unfortunately, as she went to grab a pencil on her desk, her hand swiped the topless thermos. Fate was against her today, as the flask toppled and its contents spewed everywhere: on the desk, the floor, the notebook, and her lap. With a yelp, Temperance shot up from her seat, the hot liquid scalding her through her blue jeans. Now the room reeked of black coffee and steam rose all about the blonde’s desk. A mousey blur, Temperance embarrassingly took off towards the bathroom to clean herself up. Doom! That was all that could be foreseen today. Hope had faded, as not only did she not have her homework, but she had destroyed her future sibling’s as well. Like peasants facing a demonic deity, they were but mere morsels for the beast that awaited them in 8th period. “[b][color=ff2052]Slip at her finest.[/color][/b]” Lala brought her attention to the front, where Remy was staring at her and the disaster. He kept a smile on but she knew he was freaking out on the inside. This was like a month or two of detailed notes? Now drenched in coffee. “[b][color=ff2052]My notes are basic, but you can copy it.[/color][/b]” Yeah, she was not cleaning this mess up. Nonchalantly, she went to her seat, which was in between Temperance’s and her boyfriend’s desks (nice big circle), and rested her feet on it. [center][u] [b]FUNraisers & Our Ideas[/b] [/u] [i](Senior Year Trip)[/i][/center] Aggressively, Remy underlined the header with a red marker. Extremely peeved at the incident that happened moments ago. Luckily for Remy, there was at least one person in the classroom who had an idea (or perhaps two). With his sunglasses hanging off the front of his shirt, and his hat twisted on backwards, Christopher Robin strolled up to the whiteboard, grabbing the blue pen off of the ledge. [b][color=08c7d1]”Here, I gotchu, bro.”[/color][/b] He said to Remy with a wink before he moved the pen across the whiteboard in careful strokes. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wgWDLdC.png[/img][/center] [b][color=08c7d1]”There’s your funds, right there.”[/color][/b] Mission accomplished, Christopher Robin dropped the pen on the floor and folded his arms over his chest. BOOM. [b][color=0ed3af]”Pooh bear, no.”[/color][/b] [b][color=08c7d1]”What?! I’d wear one.”[/color][/b] Christopher Robin said glumly, sitting down at his seat. He just wanted to help! [b][color=181313]”Well, I’m all for it, then!”[/color][/b] Jareth said with a chuckle that was more like a pot giggle than a full laugh. He tipped back in his chair as he thought of a suggestion that might be helpful. [b][color=181313]”Oh! What about that cookie dough one, where you can eat it raw or bake it? That one.”[/color] [/b]He leaned forward to get up and his chair clacked down noisily. Jar wrote ‘[b]COOKIES![/b]’ in his all-capital-letters, chicken scratch handwriting right below Winnie’s suggestion before returning to his seat between Christopher Robin and Desi. There, he participated… which should both please Remy, and keep him from having to pay too much attention or getting called on again for a while. Win-win! Yeah, these ideas would not be enough if they wanted to outdo their parents, and grandparents, and every alumni ever. Right by Jar’s suggestion, Remy added: [b]> Could be Bake Sale w/ Food Challenge[/b]. Perhaps before they think of ways to raise money, they should figure out where they wanted to go and how much they’d have to save… [b][color=08c7d1]”Yo, I bet we could get together like a… a…”[/color] [/b]Christopher Robin searched his mind, trying to find words to explain what he was thinking to his classmates. He pulled his sunglasses off of his shirt and gnawed on the end of one of the arms. [b][color=08c7d1]”Westworth Olympics, bro. I could put on a show with my board, right? And you guys could… you guys could be there!”[/color][/b] Lala tapped her pencil on her leg, observing her class, before interjecting, [b]“[color=ff2052]These ideas sound all cool and dandy, and I think we should do them all. Including like, iunno, like a massive hangout in the gym where parents pay a fee to not deal with us and teachers can supervise and we do… stupid shit… so they can go out and be adults, but how much we have to make? Where the hell are we going? Disneyland and world is out of the question, so is a cross country roadtrip, can’t really go to Montreal either. We have less than two years to make bank. Let’s make it happen.[/color]” [/b] [b][color=08c7d1]”Swiss Alps. Definitely the Swiss Alps.”[/color][/b] [b][color=0ed3af]”NO. I don’t wanna be cold!”[/color][/b] [b][color=08c7d1]”Man, they got lodges…”[/color][/b] Keeping attentive, Remy listened to people’s suggestions and started to make a list besides the fundraising ideas of possible locations they could strive for. Eventually, they’d just do cross elimination until there was one place standing. He couldn’t think too much of his ruined notes and homework, since he had to keep the class focused (though, so should Desi, Temp, and Lila - HE WASN’T THE ONLY COUNCIL MEMBER). Okay, class didn’t technically start, but he still felt like he should get the creative juices movin’ in his classmates’ noggins. [b]“[color=FF4500]I feel like I just walked into a cafe, you all drinking coffee?… oh, Remy.[/color]”[/b] Mr. Clarke strolled on in and went to the scrawny boy with the white beanie, [b]“[color=FF4500]Here. This is for yesterday, since yeah, I forgot my wallet. And this is for today.[/color]”[/b] The history teacher gave the boy an envelope of cash, [b]“[color=FF4500]Same spot?[/color]”[/b] [b]“[color=#ffff99]Yepp. I’m surprised you haven’t like… iunno, you buy a lot.[/color]” [/b] [b]“[color=FF4500]It’s what keeps me goin’, kid. I need it to teach you slackers.[/color]” [/b]Neither of them needed to specify what Mr. Clarke was buying because all throughout the day, you can always find a piece of cheesecake on his desk. He was a faithful customer of Remy’s grandpa’s food - especially his cheesecakes. [b]“[color=FF4500]Okay, what’d I miss? Lala, get your feet off the desk. You like Joe, don’t you? Don’t make his job harder by putting your muddy shoes on the table.[/color]” [/b] [b]“[color=ff2052]This desk should be the least of Joe’s worries.[/color]”[/b] Lala glanced at the mess Temperance left behind, but still obeyed Mr. Clarke since he wasn’t a man you wanted to test. However, he was still a cool dude, when he wanted to be. [b]“[color=#ffff99]Currently, we’re trying to figure out where we even want to go. Everyone has great ideas. Big, very big. But--- not enough to be… reasonable?[/color]” [/b]Remy scratched his head with the end of marker. [b]“[color=FF4500]It’s a start. Okay. Class. Reasonable or not, I want you all, even if you already suggested, to give a place you’d like to visit. Remy will write it on the board and we’ll do a vote. Got it? Go.[/color]” [/b] [/indent]