[quote=@CrazyShadowy] [@Cynder] I'd say go for it. As for the GM thing, the only way to improve is to keep at it and learn from your mistakes. Learning from others can be helpful as well. If you've been wanting to do it, what's stopping you? [/quote] Eh, maybe. I have hesitation and my rule of thumb is that if any hesitation lies, then I'm not going to make it. . yet, anyway. [quote=@Shoryu Magami] You could probably end up offending someone like me very easily with terms like 'fluff', since I believe the [i]quality[/i] of posts that I just spoke of is largely dependant on being detailed and taking the time to really flesh things out and make them detailed. While you don't need to post hundreds of paragraphs to do that, you also can't do it with a couple of lines. Getting 'straight to the point' can make things one-dimensional depending on how fast it gets to that point. Actually, a lengthy discussion going on in this thread right now (the one I'm working on my next reply to) directly relates to that. [/quote] Sorry, I don't mean harm. I just don't understand how people can add so much myself. I have a difficult time visualizing and it's hard for me to write details due to it, so maybe my problem with details relate to that. My ADHD also makes it impossible for me to focus on post Roleplaying these days unless I try like hell to sit down and drop a post every other day or whatnot. I just couldn't imagine sitting down to write a large post personally.