[quote=@Cynder] Sorry, I just don't understand how people can add so much myself. I have a difficult time visualizing and it's hard for me to write details due to it, so maybe my problem with details relate to that. My ADHD also makes it impossible for me to focus on post Roleplaying these days unless I try like hell to sit down and drop a post every other day or whatnot. I just couldn't imagine sitting down to write a large post personally.[/quote] They thought I had ADD at one point -- one of the [i]many[/i] mistakes at the hands of doctors that basically wrecked my life. Nevertheless, if that's the case then it's probably better to make something like that clear in the first place, rather than talk like there's something 'wrong' with people actually wanting to put the time and investment into their work like I do -- there's nothing wrong with it, and I'm really getting tired of having to defend a writer's right to be... well, a writer. A lot less complications and bickering comes between people if they just make this sort of thing apparent from the beginning, but I understand that a lot of people would rather not explain the reason.