[quote=@Shoryu Magami] [@Cynder] It seems like the purpose of my statement wasn't exactly gotten across right -- pretty much was only trying to suggest being careful with the wording next time, not attempting to sound like I was inherently angry. In my initial post, I did say that you [i]could[/i] end up offending someone, not you [i]did[/i] end up offending someone. It was a warning more than an outright claim that you pissed me off or anything. Frankly, people on this site have pissed me off a heck of a lot more, so don't worry about it, alright? I tend to be something of a nomad when it comes to websites -- I pretty much never take hiatuses, since if I decide that I'm irritated enough or unsatisfied enough with a site I pretty much just leave it, [i]permanently[/i]. There's only a few instances where I returned to a site after leaving it, and in only [i]one[/i] of those cases do I not completely regret it (site's dead now though, so returning being a good thing doesn't matter much now). That said, stress is something I'm all too familiar with thanks to my project's workload (roughly one thousand notepads to sort through on this PC alone -- those notes were created over a course of a few months, so try to imagine how many notes I've got stored elsewhere since I've built them up over more than ten years) and the distance between me and Ailyn. That's pretty much why I won't remain on this site if I decide it's a burden. [/quote] I apologize then. I've been on severe edge since my family has come and gone. As for the hiatus bit. . I feel that I am often unsatisfied with the Guild, but it's also like my home. I also run the Discord. Leaving the site permanently is not really an option for me. Besides, it's usually only a lack of Roleplays and a few bad apples that ruin it for me, so it's not really that big of a deal.