[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Arielle Dryell[/color][/h1][/center] [center][color=c4df9b][i][h3]"Though life is simple, everyone will naturally intend on making it difficult."[/h3][/i][/color][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/14/d1/6e/14d16e075b991b85062af690a844dd91.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][b][u][color=c4df9b]Basic Information[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Arielle Dryell [b][u]Title/Occupation:[/u][/b] Baroness, House of Dryell. [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 31 Years Old. [b][u]Place of Birth:[/u][/b] Nocturne, Duchy of Transylvania, Barony of Dyrell. [b][u]Current Residence:[/u][/b] Nocturne, Duchy of Transylvania, Barony of Dyrell, Castle Lune. [center][h3][b][u][color=c4df9b]Title Status Information[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [b][u]Title:[/u][/b] Baroness, Head of Household to the Barony of Dyrell. Sworn Sword to the Head of Household of the Duchy and Providence of Transylvania, Vassal to the Elders of Nocturne. [b][u]Barony Population:[/u][/b] 13,000 [b][u]Military Population:[/u][/b] 4,546 [b][u]Military Population Information:[/u][/b] - 1,219 Able-Bodied Nobles, Knighted: Serve as Heavy Calvary. - 537 Conscripts: Mixed with Archers and very Light Infantry. - 2,790 Mercenary Company Members: 1,000 Heavy infantry, 1,500 Archers, rest is Light Infantry. [center][h3][b][u][color=c4df9b]Biography and Physical Appearance[/color][/u][/b][/h3][/center] [b][u]Physical Appearance Description:[/u][/b] [i] Arielle is a beautiful blonde human woman with fair skin, burdened with temporary youth. She is considerably tall, just reaching the height of what many consider what a tall man to be as she is also physically able to manage on her own. As many of her family members are, Arielle is blessed radiant blonde hair and piercing blue eyes like many in her family. [/i] [b][u]Short Biography:[/u][/b] [i] Born into human nobility, Arielle shared the fate of the many before her in her family of House Dryell to swear loyalty to those who rule above them. Fortunately, she grew a high noble, completely predisposed to be seen as an important individual though predisposed to living the life as a 'lady'. She was the second youngest born out of five children in the Dryell Household. Growing up, Arielle had always been different, not just because she was an obvious tomboy but because she developed a ever-growing and noticeable aptitude as a soldier. Arielle's father saw this as an opportunity to make her into what she wanted, given he had exhausted all other options in conditioning her to be a traditional 'lady'. So, it was by her own choice, that Arielle decided to become a warrior such as the many famous maidens who happened to be women before her. It is not uncommon to see women serve as great warriors, though a human woman to be specific was. Nonetheless, Arielle was naturally stubborn and driven which would later serve as a positive in her roles not just as a soldier, but as a future leader of the Household. She would receive professional training in fighting as many noble men were given when they were young. At age eleven, tragedy struck the Dryell's on one unfortunate day when the eldest son, Marco was killed falling off his horse at age thirteen. She loved her brother and losing someone she loved taught her humility. Naturally, the second eldest son, Talmond was tasked with leading the Household after the father though growing up spoiled yield a weak man and Arielle had no patience for voluntary weakness. Though she loved him as she loved everyone in her family, she grew to despise having to excuse herself for her brother and the many mistakes he would make later in his life. It was at age fifteen that Talmond confessed himself for never wanting the position that had been placed at his feet at age eight and offered his predisposed position to his stronger sister. Despite insisting her brother keeping his title, Talmond eventually convinced his sister Arielle to take his place which she would later handle gracefully while Talmond traveled South for scholarly study. This would bring many conflicts among the family and the old traditions of household rule, traditions she would later learn to persevere. It was in the last few years of teen-hood did Arielle prove herself worthy of a man's position during the many conflicts the nation was facing regarding the raids by bandits. She was noted for having lead men into fierce battles and against odds that were not in their favor. In the political world, she had honed her skills as a politician as she did a Household leader, having to deal with the constant reprisals, though not because she was a women. It was there that she learned that fighting battles as a warrior compared to a politician were two completely different things that she would learn to disdain for. It is just that a women such as Arielle would grow ever so tired of such frivolous nonsense and it is because of this that she completely disdained and avoided politics altogether, only showing up to meetings only when absolutely needed or when ordered to by a superior. Arielle Dyrell is admired by so many and yet so very despised by those enemies who wish her dreadful misfortune though despite this, she still remains the strong person she wishes to be and aspires others to be like her. [/i]